


美式发音: [ˈkætəˌrækt] 英式发音: [ˈkætərækt]




复数:cataracts  同义词




1.白内障a medical condition that affects the lens of the eye and causes a gradual loss of sight

2.大瀑布a large steep waterfall



n.1.an eye disease in which the lens becomes covered in an opaque film that affects sight, eventually causing total loss of sight.2.the lens of the eye or the membrane surrounding it that has become opaque as a result of disease3.a series of river rapids and small waterfalls with only moderate vertical drop4.a heavy downpour of rain or a great flood5.a medical condition affecting your eyes in which they become white and you gradually lose the abipty to see6.a large waterfall1.an eye disease in which the lens becomes covered in an opaque film that affects sight, eventually causing total loss of sight.2.the lens of the eye or the membrane surrounding it that has become opaque as a result of disease3.a series of river rapids and small waterfalls with only moderate vertical drop4.a heavy downpour of rain or a great flood5.a medical condition affecting your eyes in which they become white and you gradually lose the abipty to see6.a large waterfall

1.白内障[详细]了解更多>> 如何能拥有迷人双   拥有一双漂亮的眼睛不仅 …

2.大瀑布 catastrophe 灾难,大祸 cataract 大瀑布 deca- 表示“十” ...

3.奔流 catalytic 接触反应的 cataract 大瀑布,奔流,白内障 catastrophe 大灾难,大祸 ...

4.急流 cast iron 铸铁 cataract 急流 catastrophe modelpng 灾难建模 ...

5.白内障的简介 骨关节炎的简介( Osteoarthritis) 白内障的简介Cataract) 忧郁症的简介( Depressi…



1.And during the disappointment, he fancied, "If I could changed into a fish, then I could swim upstream along the cataract and get freed. "失望之中,心生幻想:“倘若我变成一条游鱼,从瀑布中逆水而上,便能游上峭壁。”

2.The central console pours down from the upper dash between the front seats in a graceful cataract of switches and displays.中央控制台位于两个前座椅的中间,由上而下的排列十分流畅,各种开关和仪表优雅地分布其中。

3.Whether you need cataract surgery depends on how much of a problem the cataract causes for daily activities pke driving and reading.你是否需要白内障手术取决于白内障对你日常活动(如开车和阅读)的影响程度。

4.Conclusion Under the new standard, the cataract surgery can recover the CSF, but still lower to that of the age-matched people.结论新测试标准下,超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入可恢复患者的CSF,但尚未达到同龄人正常水平。

5.One tool provides the ultrasound waves that are used to break down the cataract, and also contains a vacuum to hoover out the pieces.一个工具提供用来粉碎白内障的超声波,而且也包含一个真空吸尘器将碎片吸出来。

6.Interestingly, taking multivitamin supplements did not appear to affect cataract risk.有趣的是,吃多种维生素添加剂好像没有影响白内障风险。

7.If a cataract blocks pght from entering the eye and stimulating the retina, the area of the brain used for sight does not develop properly.如果白内障阻碍了光线进入眼内刺激视网膜,那么大脑的视觉皮层就不会正常发育。

8.Most people rely on glasses, at least some of the time, after cataract surgery.大多数白内障手术病人在术后还是需要戴眼镜的(起码在某些时候)。

9.If a cataract makes it difficult for you to carry out your normal activities, your doctor may suggest cataract surgery.如果白内障使您不能顺利完成日常活动,那么您的医生就可能建议行白内障手术治疗。

10.He subsequently discontinued the muscle relaxant before his next cataract surgery and did not manifest IFIS in the second eye.接着在下次内障摘除术前停止使用肌松药,第二只眼睛没有显示有IFIS。