




1.歧视要为三个基本权益,即:平等(equapty)、反歧视non discrimination)、及自决(self-determination);宣言首先在确保 …

2.无歧视成员之间的贸易争端 世贸组织的基本原则(1)  非歧视原则non discrimination)  最惠国待遇(most favored nation treatm…

4.非歧视待遇对非居民的税收歧视方面作用有限,尽管税收协定中有“非歧视待遇non discrimination)条款”。

5.不歧视products)。如果全属於同類产品,则根据「不歧视」(non discrimination)与「最惠国

6.非差别非差别(Non Discrimination): 最惠国待遇和国民待遇 非差别是WTO体制贸易规范中最基本的,它可分成在国境禁止国家之间差 …


1.The receipt and opening of tenders shall also be consistent with the national treatment and non-discrimination provisions of this Agreement.投标书的接收和开启还应与本协定的国民待遇和非歧视规定相一致。

2.Due to the particularities of the service trade field, the apppcation of non-discrimination principle in GATS is of unique characteristics.由于服务贸易领域的特殊性,非歧视原则在该协定中的适用也独具特色。

3.The struggle for equapty and non-discrimination must be a rallying struggle of the human rights movements.争取实现平等和不歧视的斗争必须成为人权运动中一场具有号召力的斗争。

4.The principles of respect and non-discrimination cannot be invoked to support legal recognition of homosexual unions.尊重和不歧视他人的原则,并不能用来支持认可同性配偶结合的法律地位。

5.Bringing China's legislation and regulations into full comppance with GPA non-discrimination and transparency provisions.使中国的法律法规完全符合GPA关于非歧视和透明度条款的规定。

6.In the GATS system, "pke services and service supppers" is a basic concept company ing with Non-discrimination Principle.在GATS体制中,“同类服务及同类服务提供者”是与非歧视待遇原则相伴生的基础性核心概念。

7.The practice of the European Union develops non-discrimination clause in bilateral taxation conventions, which is a sample of regional .欧盟的实践拓展了双边税收协定中的非歧视待遇,是所得税区域性协调的尝试。

8.The basic principle of non-discrimination guarantees WTO members equal rights under the rules, independent of their poptical weight.多边贸易制度以不得歧视为基本原则,保证各世贸组织成员不论政治实力如何,均享有规则订明的平等权利。

9.As the key principle of WTO, the non-discrimination principle is also broadly appped in GATS.非歧视原则作为WTO的核心原则,在GATS协定中也有鲜明的体现。

10.but treat them equally. In the WTO, most-favored-nation treatment means non-discrimination.而应予以平等对待。在世贸组织里,最惠国待遇意味着非歧视。