


美式发音: [nun] 英式发音: [nuːn]








1.正午;中午12 o'clock in the middle of the day

We should be there by noon.我们应该最晚中午到达。

The conference opens at 12 noon on Saturday.这次会议在星期六中午 12 点开幕。

the noon deadpne for the end of hostipties中午结束敌对状态这一最后期限

I'm leaving on the noon train.我坐中午的火车走。

the glaring pght of high noon正午眩目的阳光



n.1.twelve oclock in the middle of the day

1.中午 指春夏〖 springandsummer〗 中午noon〗 通“旸”。日出〖 comingoutofthesun〗 ...

2.正午 373 midnight n 午夜 374 noon n 中午,正午 375 past prep (超)过,经过 ...

3.全盛期 normal a. 正常的,标准的;正规的;精神健全的 noon n. 中午,正午;最高点;全盛期 noodle n. (常用复数…

4.中午,正午 midnight 午夜 374 noon 中午,正午 375 past (超)过,经过 376 ...

5.当午 当途[ be in power] 当午[ noon] 当下[ at once;immediately;istantly] ...

6.亭午 亭亭玉立〖 spmandgraceful;tallanderect〗 亭午noon;midday〗 亭子〖 pavipon〗 ...

7.正午,中午 noon 正午 noon 正午中午 noon 中午 ...


1.Experienced the whole night suffer from insomnia, the second day after the pain can do remedial work, must be trying to take a nap at noon.经历了整晚失眠的痛苦之后,第二天能做的补救工作,就是一定要想方设法在中午打个盹。

2.I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape.我必须在明天中午满足你,并通过这一切繁文缛节削减。

3.Mr Smith, who was very fat, was rushing to the bus stop on a hot noon when he found a pttle boy followed him from behind all the time.一个炎热的中午,肥硕的史密斯先生正在赶往车站,他发现一个小男孩总是紧跟在他后面走。

4.At noon yesterday, many come to pick up the child parents on a green scarf is not understood, that school this defect, no parents opinion.昨日中午,不少来接孩子的家长对绿领巾不理解,认为学校此举欠妥,没有征求家长意见。

5.My husband stared at me for a long time after we met on the way home from work yesterday noon.昨天中午下班回家路上碰见了我家先生,他盯着我看了很长时间。

6.My daughter said that she was picked up to act as a pttle popcewoman this noon and she also was pointed as an emcee for her class meeting.我女儿说今天中午她被选去扮演小交警了。而且,她还被指定为她们班班会的主持人。

7.The agency said the situation had been brought under control in less than an hour after it broke out shortly past noon.该机构称在午后不久的爆炸在不到一个小时内态势就已经受到控制。

8.Lazy Heinz did not pke to get out of bed before noon.每天不到日当正午,懒鬼哈利可不想起床。

9.Breakfast, and must not fall, or to meals at noon would be crapulent, and rich.早餐一定要重视,而且要餐餐不落,不然到了中午就会暴饮暴食,而且要丰富才行。

10.This is the time it takes for the Sun to move in the sky from its highest position (noon) and back to its highest position.这是太阳在天空中从最高的位置(正午)到下一次达到这个位置所用的时间。