




1.沃兹尼亚克沃兹尼亚克Wozniak)与丹麦美少女沃兹尼亚奇(Wozniacki)名字酷似,仅仅相差两个字母,但2人不论从相貌还是打法上 …


3.沃兹尼阿克比如惠普的工程师沃兹尼阿克(wozniak)在发明个人微型计算机之前,他的研究项目被拒绝过好几次,但是他的坚持终于获得了 …

4.渥兹尼亚克1976年跟工作司(S.Jobs)一同创办苹果电脑的渥兹尼亚克(Wozniak),接受CNBC独家访问,因为苹果具有整合产品与服务的本质, …


1.Steve Wozniak, speaking on CNN , remembered his longtime friend as a "great visionary and leader" and a "marketing genius. "斯蒂夫沃兹尼亚克在CNN访谈中,称这位终生友人为“一位伟大的幻想家和领导者,一位营销天才。”

2.At the beginning of his career, he pushed his buddy Steve Wozniak to design in 1977 the first personal computer for ordinary people.在他的职业生涯起步阶段,1977年,他就驱使好友史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克第一台适用于普通人群的个人电脑。

3.Mr. Jobs founded Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak, and built an early reputation for the company with the Apple II computer.1976年,乔布斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克创办了苹果,并在早期用苹果II为公司建立了早期声誉。

4.At a recent museum preview, the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was on hand to gush over his favorite gadgets.在最近的博物馆预展上,苹果创始人之一斯蒂芬.沃兹尼亚克曾现场讲述了他最喜欢的程序。

5.Steven Jobs & Stephen Wozniak created the Apple Computer and formed Apple Computer, Inc. Steven Jobs is now the CEO of Apple.两位建造苹果电脑并成立苹果电脑公司。贾伯斯现为苹果电脑公司的执行长。

6.Mr. Wozniak would be the technical half and Mr. Jobs the marketing half of the original Apple I Computer.沃兹尼亚克先生负责苹果I型电脑的技术部分,乔布斯先生负责市场。

7.That year, Steve Wozniak returned to college and Steve Jobs left in a dispute with the chief executive.这一年,沃兹尼亚克重返校园,而乔布斯与公司首席执行官发生争执后离开。

8.Steve Wozniak, who helped start Apple in 1976, said he will miss his fellow co-founder 'as much as everyone. '史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克,在1976年开始帮助乔布斯创立苹果公司,也表示会像大家一样地怀念这位联合创始人。

9.Learning that the two young hobbyists were searching for him, Mr. Draper appeared one day in Mr. Wozniak's Berkeley dormitory room.了解到这两个年轻的业余爱好者在寻找他,一天,德拉普来到沃兹尼克位于伯克利的宿舍。

10.Mr. Wozniak designed the original Apple I computer simply to show it off to his friends at the Homebrew.沃兹尼亚克先生设计了最早的苹果I型电脑,在自酿俱乐部拿它跟朋友炫耀。