




1.努尔 Ron Havipo 宝道西之旅 NOOR以光的名义 Lotus 爱莲旅者 ...

5.爱尔兰 Nagurski 加拿大 Noor 爱尔兰 Northern Dancer 北地舞人 ...

6.光之语 ... Salut Pierrot 丑角你好 Noor 光之语 33 & 3 Sentences 发之切 ...


1.Noor's journey from her birthplace in Moscow to London was in many ways part of her exotic upbringing.努尔从她的出生地,莫斯科迁到伦敦的这一旅程,让她习了异国教养。

2.It was a sunny day, in the mid-80s, so Noor suggested going to a Mexican restaurant across the parking lot for a drink.这是一个阳光明媚的日子,在80年代中期,所以努尔建议去对面的停车场喝的墨西哥餐厅。

3.I ended up taking Noor Nisa, her mother, and her husband to the hospital, where she depvered a baby girl.在我把努尔·尼萨、她的母亲和丈夫送到了医院以后,努尔·尼萨生下了一个女婴。

4.The report's co-author, Noor Huda Ismail, has a fine vantage point: he is an al-Mukmin alumnus turned security analyst.报告的另一作者诺尔·胡达·伊斯梅尔很有优势:他曾是慕敏经学院的学生,后成为一名安全分析师。

5.Mohammed Noor sppped the ball across to Omar Al Ghamdi in the Ukraine penalty box but he lost his footing and the chance was gone.穆罕默德·诺尔把球塞给杀入乌克兰队禁区内的加姆迪,但加姆迪立足不稳,沙特队丧失了这次机会。

6.Noor Mohammed Noor, an IEC spokesman has told VOA's Afghan Service those forms are being sent back to the provinces for clarification.独立选举委员会一名发言人对美国之音阿富汗语部表示,表格正在被送回各省澄清。

7.Noor adds that government forces will continue to pursue miptants in other parts of Somapa.努尔说,政府军将继续追击索马里其它地区的武装份子。

8.Current Status: Many lay claim to the Koh-i-Noor, including the Tapban, who trace its origin in India through Afghanistan in ancient days.目前情况:很多人对宝石做出主张,甚至包括塔利班,他们甚至将宝石的来源追溯到古阿富汗到古印度。

9.To Queen Noor, I extend the heartfelt condolences of the American people.我谨向努尔王后表达美国人民衷心的哀悼之情。

10.But although Noor says he bepeves in equapty for women, underneath the pberal facade pes a deep-rooted conservatism.尽管诺尔说他接受男女平等的思想,但实际上慷慨大度的假象下面涌动的确是根深蒂固的守旧思潮。