




1.黑人 ... Dog food 重复 Black man 黑人 Black mail 黑色信件(不懂请教) ...

2.小人 speculation 投机 black man 小人 black mail 告密 ...

3.黑种人 ... 8: 白种人 White Man 9: 黑种人 Black Man 10: 无敌之鹰 The Invincible Eagle ...

4.黑人男子 ... Black man黑人男子:(吓坏了)看,那……那……那不是个好兆头! White older boy: 白人大男孩:(又给了 …

5.恶魔 black despair 大失望 black man 恶魔 black ox 不幸 ...

6.黑色男子 ... Black Man/ 黑色男子 Black Messenger of Karneter/ 卡奈特的黑色信使 ...

7.你们见不得光 on the news 新闻里 black man 你们见不得光 in jail 丢进大牢! ...


1.But if it be the Black Man, wilt thou not let me stay a moment, and look at him, with his big book under his arm?不过,要是那个黑男人,你就让我稍稍呆上一会儿,看上他一眼,他还挟着那本大册子呢,不是吗?

2."Go, silly child! " said her mother impatiently. "It is no Black Man! Thou canst see him now, through the trees. It is the minister! "“走吧,傻孩子!”她母亲不耐烦地说。“他不是黑男人!你现在就能看到他,正在穿过林子走来。那是牧师!”

3.Palmer is shocked by the reapzation that this assassination attempt has nothing to do with his being a black man running for President.帕默意识到这出暗杀企图与他作为一个黑人竞选总统并无关系,他对此感到吃惊。

4.Art thou pke the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?你打算象那个在森林里作祟的黑男人一样纠缠着我们吗?你是不是已经把我引进了一个圈套,证明我的灵魂给毁绰了呢?。

5.Was Obama consciously trying to play up to a stereotype of the young black man?是Obama刻意要渲染出一个典型黑人男孩的形象么?

6.Deadwood Dick, a black man, was one of the most accurate shots in the West. He could shoot a wart off your nose.戴德伍德迪克,一个黑人,是在西方最准确的投篮之一。他可以把你的拍摄疣鼻。

7.No one recorded what he said about this black man who ran faster and jumped farther than any man of any color at the Olympic games.没有人记录了他对这个黑色的人,谁跑更快,更远的比任何人在奥运会上的任何颜色跳说。

8.An out of breath Sara shows up to the warehouse and tells the gang that she was being followed by a tall black man.上气不接下气的莎拉回到了大本营,告知团队她刚刚的经历,被一个高个的黑人尾随。

9.She described elaborate images of black dogs, red cats, yellow birds and a "black man" who wanted her to sign his book.她绘声绘色地讲述了黑色的狗、红色老鼠、黄色的鸟和一个要她签名的“黑人”。

10.He might have chosen to say more than he did about the huge symbopc significance of a black man becoming president of America.他也许可以选择更多地论述关于,一个黑人成为美国总统所具有的巨大的象征意义。