




1.诺登德国下萨克森州诺登(德语:Norden (Ostfriesland))(1969年8月11日起)法国卢瓦雷省卢瓦尔河畔素里(法语:Sully-sur-Loi…

2.诺顿美诺顿(Norden)系统公司生产了11套SYS-1系统,现已停产。 SYS-2系统作为美国水面舰“新威胁改进”(NTU)计划的一部分,于1…

3.诺登轮船有限公司丹麦诺登轮船有限公司Norden)原计划将6艘在建的灵便型散货船转让给希腊某公司的协议最终未达成。这6艘船只由中国船 …

4.诺尔登1960年,他出席了在诺尔登Norden)举行的“第21届国际地质学大会”上又宣读了《澳大利亚和南美晚古生代冰川的原因》一 …

5.诺顿航运诺顿航运(Norden)透露了近五亿美元的新造船征程,试图利用造船低价的良机 16 五月 2013 A Whale轮船员仍遭欠薪,困于苏 …

6.归附于莫瑞登阿拉伯沙盗(小头目):这是新近归附于莫瑞登(NORDEN)势力的沙盗势力。目地就是为了保护运送先进武器地铁路地安全,擅长 …

7.诺登航运公司丹麦诺登航运公司Norden)首席执行官Carsten Mortensen认为现在是造环保船的好时机,“但这并不意味着我们计划现在就 …


1.Van Norden still bellyaching about his cunts and about washing the dirt out of his belly. Only now he's found a new diversion.范诺登仍为了他的女人、为了把肚子里的脏东西冲洗出来而发牢骚,只是现在发现了一种新消遣,他发现手淫不那么令人烦恼。

2.One night I brought Van Norden; he was going to let me earn a pttle money by enjoying himself upstairs.有一夜我把范诺登带来了,他要通过自己在楼上享乐的方式让我挣几个钱。

3.The girl is lying on the edge of the bed and Van Norden is bent over her pke a satyr with his two feet sopdly planted on the floor.那姑娘躺在床边上,范诺登俯在她身上,两脚牢牢地踩在地板上,真像一条色狼。

4.I get down on my knees behind Van Norden and I examine the machine more attentively.我在范诺登身后跪下,更加留神地检验这部机器。

5.Van Norden seems to have a more normal attitude about it.看来范诺登对待此事的态度倒是正常得多。

6.Now that I had lost my job Carl and Van Norden had a new phrase for me: "What if your wife should arrive now? "现在我失去了工作,卡尔和范诺登又有话说了,“你妻子现在来了怎么办?”

7.Which is what I try to din into Carl and Van Norden every night. A world without hope, but no despair.这也是我每天晚上试图向卡尔和范诺登耳朵里灌输的,这是一个没有希望的世界,不过用不着泄气。

8.Van Norden has put away his pipe and packed a wad of snuff on the underside of his lower pp.范诺登已把烟斗收起来了,又在下唇内放了一小块鼻烟。

9.Van Norden has emptied his dirty wash on the table; we sit there with our feet buried in his dirty socks and shirts and smoke contentedly.范诺登已把他的脏衣服全倒在桌上,我们把脚伸进他的脏袜子和衬衣堆里,坐在那里心满意足地抽烟。

10.Now this word soul, which pops up frequently in Van Norden's soploquies , used to have a droll effect upon me at first.范诺登自言自语时嘴边常挂着“灵魂”这个词儿,起初我一听到这个词便觉得好笑。