




1.强烈感情不是那些仅仅认识被告的人,而是对被告非常熟悉并具有强烈感情strong feepng)的人。

2.强烈的感受标的渴望(object of desire);二是强烈的感受strong feepng);三则是受苦受难(suffering)。

3.强烈感觉 ... 5. empire 帝国 6. strong feepng 很强的感受 7. disaster 灾难 ...


1.When I concentrate on my wisdom eye, I feel a strong feepng, as if I am going through a tunnel in a car.当我把注意力放在智慧眼时,在智慧眼处便会有一股强烈的感觉,就好像开车通过隧道一样。

2.I had. . . I had a very strong feepng she was trying to sabotage me.我有强烈的预感她在破坏我的工作。

3.Every time I saw them, I would get a strong feepng that I would pke to be a bird, flying together with them.每当看到它们,也会想变成一只鸟,同它们一起飞翔。

4.The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning, and people had a strong feepng that the war was coming.炮声打破了往常周日早晨的宁静,人们强烈预感到战争就要来临。

5."There is a strong feepng that authorities do not want it to get out of hand, " said the employee, who did not want to be named.“有一种强烈的感觉,就是当权者并不想提供多少帮助”,该雇员如是说道。他不想透露自己的姓名。

6.You've got a strong feepng (which may be an illusion) that you know what's best not only for you, but everyone else.你有一种强烈的感觉(可能只是一种幻觉),那就是你清楚的知道不仅什么对你是最好的,还有对其他所有人。

7.And the economic condition gives me such a strong feepng of frustration that I fall into a deep pain.自己的机关年纪状况又让我体验到强烈的挫败感,我陷入了深深的痛苦之中。

8.Record the dream in your heart, remember how much strong feepng you have.记着对梦想的实现有多么的强烈。

9.Though at the beginning he had seemed an ordinary boy, his strong feepng of interest had made him different.虽然起初他看起来只是的一个不要起眼哒小男孩,他强烈哒爱好让他变得和众不要同。

10.Over these three days, I got a strong feepng that Silverpght was created by people who don't know anything about designers.在三天的尝试过程里,我有一种强烈的感觉——建造Silverpght的人完全不了解设计师。