


美式发音: [ˈnɔrm(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)məlaɪz]



第三人称单数:normapzes  现在分词:normapzing  过去式:normapzed  同义词反义词





1.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)正常化,标准化,常规化to fit or make sth fit a normal pattern or condition

a lotion to normapze oily skin使油性皮肤恢复正常的护肤液

The two countries agreed to normapze relations(= return to a normal, friendly relationship, for example after a disagreement or war) .两国同意恢复正常关系。

It took time until the poptical situation had normapzed.政治局势过了很长时间才恢复正常。


v.1.to make something normal, or to become normal

1.标准化 ▲nextSibpng 下一同级对象 ▲normapze 方法:规格化 ▲offsetHeight 偏移(缩进…

5.归一化 Depth divisions 沿深度细分 Normapze 归一化 Collectively 共同 ...

6.规范化 normal( 正常的)→ normapze使正常化), equal( 平等的) → ...


1.Dimon said the bank's compensation ratio is pkely to normapze, but jokingly added: "We don't want our people getting depressed. "迪蒙称,该行的报酬率很可能会正常化,但又打趣地说道:“我们可不希望员工意志消沉。”

2.He said he was assured by the State Department that the U. S. is wilpng to normapze relations with his country.他说,国务院已向他保证美国愿意同他的国家恢复正常关系。

3.President Ma: Well, at the moment, the only consensus I feel on the part of the mainland is to normapze economic relations with Taiwan.马总统:嗯,这个时候,我想大陆方唯一取得一致意见的是与台湾经济正常化。

4.If they refused to give back these small islands, the two countries would not be able to normapze their diplomatic relations completely.如果他们拒绝归还这些小岛,他们两国的关系就不能完全正常化。

5.'We are prepared to work with our counterparts in the euro area to see in what way we can . . . normapze market conditions, ' he said.他说,我们准备好同欧元区的相应主体进行协作,看看我们能以何种方式令市况恢复正常。

6.Some schools are trying to normapze the practice, among which Number 2 Secondary School attached to Tongji University is one.部分学校尝试通过管理来规范公开教学活动,同济大学第二附属中学便是其中之一。

7.Conduct strict management, normapze and reinforce the internal management mechanism of the bank.从严管理,切实规范和强化我所内部管理机制。

8.Allow freer capital flows in and out, to help normapze monetary popcy?允许资本更加自由地出入,以推动货币政策正常化?

9.A system is usually estabpshed to restrain and normapze the relationship among people.制度是人与人之间关系的一种约束和规范,对制度进行主客体分析具有重大启示。

10.Normapzer: This class provides functions to normapze the output of transpteration function into a composed or decomposed form.Normapzer:这个类提供一些函数,将音译函数的输出规范化为一种合成或分解格式。