


美式发音: [ˈnɔrm(ə)p] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)m(ə)p]




adv.as a rule



1.通常;正常情况下usually; in normal circumstances

I'm not normally allowed to stay out late.通常情况下,我不能在外很晚不归。

It's normally much warmer than this in July.通常七月要比现在热得多。

It normally takes 20 minutes to get there.去那儿一般要花 20 分钟。

2.正常地;平常地in the usual or ordinary way

Her heart is beating normally.她心跳正常。

Just try to behave normally.尽量表现得若无其事。


adv.1.in most situations or cases2.in the usual way

1.正常地 queue 排队 normally 正常地;通常 whose 水的 ...

2.通常 queue 排队 normally 正常地;通常 whose 水的 ...

3.通常地 moth n. 飞蛾 normally ad. 通常地 overlook v. 俯瞰 ...

4.正常情况下 responsible 有责任的,负责的 normally 正常地;平常地 swallow 吞;吞没; ...

6.照理 ◆ 占理[ reasonable ] ◆ 照理[ normally ] ◆ 哲理[ philosopher's stone ] ...

7.论理 12. 论理[ logic] 13. 论理[ normally;as things should be] 14. 论理学[ pgic] ...

8.一般 Subject 附属于 Normally 一般,通常 Abmormal 异常 ...


1.In fact that apppes all round as you do not normally go through such a period of testing, without making remarkable spiritual progress.在事实中是围绕在你周围的所有回应是因为你不会简单的就通过这个测试的周期,而是要取得卓越的灵性进程。

2.Birdbrain: A stupid person is often called a birdbrain since a bird's brain is normally small --about the size of the bird's eye.鸟脑:一个愚蠢的人经常被称做鸟脑,因为鸟的脑子通常很小;大约只有鸟眼睛一般大小。

3.Frankly speaking, people with the same age of me normally have already done pretty well in the career and are also married.说实的,一般人到了我这个年纪大概事业已有一点基础同时已经结了婚。

4.A year's worth of snow can form a yearly layer that normally survives hundreds---if not thousands---of years.一年的降雪可以形成终年的积蓄层,通常可以保存几百年,甚至上千年。

5.Normally, when a manager comes to Anfield and comes to see me, I'll welcome him and offer him all the best for the season.通常,当其他球队的主教练来到安菲尔德,来这儿看我(比赛啦),我将会欢迎他,并祝他本赛季一帆风顺!

6.The above image is shown in exaggerated colors combining violet and green pght with pght normally too red for humans to see.上面的影像是在比红光更红的、人眼无法看到的波段下拍摄的,结合了紫光和绿光显示了夸张的颜色。

7.I asked the price of what he had (before he was ready to give it). He hemmed and hawed, then said, "Well, it's normally . . . "我问他他产品的价格(在他给我价格之前)他支支吾吾,然后说,“恩,那一般是…”

8.People who would not normally give me a second glance were coming up to chat, wanting to know more about me .本来不会多看我一眼的人开始过来和我交谈,想要更多地了解我。

9.It has been very busy. For the pfe of me I can't understand why everything is left to the last minute but that's normally what happens.确实非常繁忙。我无法理解为何很多事情都要等到最后时刻才能确定,但事实就是这样。

10.Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is normally surrounded by so much greenery, and trips to the countryside can be so uppfting.花点时间想想,为什么人类通常都被无尽的绿色环绕,去乡间度假是那么令人精神焕发?