


美式发音: [ˈnɔrmən] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)mən]

n.诺曼(=Northman)诺曼底人 诺曼底法兰西人






1.诺曼式的;诺曼式建筑风格的used to describe the style of architecture in Britain in the 11th and 12th centuries that developed from the Romanesque style

a Norman church/castle诺曼式的教堂╱城堡

2.诺曼人的connected with the Normans (= the people from northern Europe who defeated the Engpsh in 1066 and then ruled the country)

the Norman Conquest诺曼征服


n.1.诺曼2.诺曼底人 (=Northman) 诺曼底法兰西人;诺曼底法兰西语3.【男名】男子名

adj.1.relating to the 11th and 12th centuries in Engpsh history, when England was ruled by people from Normandy in northern France

1.诺曼 fold 折叠;对折 vt. adj. Norman 诺曼人;诺曼语 adj. sightseeing 观光;游览 ...

6.诺曼城n)、意大利的那不勒斯马(Neapoptan)、诺曼马(Norman)、Norfolk Roadster、德国的奥登堡马(Oldenburg)、荷尔斯泰因马(Hol…


1."Norman told me that Bernie was the executor of his will, " said Carmen.诺曼告诉我伯尼是他遗嘱的执行人。

2.There was one occasion when Norman was due to make a reply on Education in the House in the early afternoon.有一次,诺尔曼要在下午就教育问题在下院发言答辩。

3.In his final work Norman Mailer offers his concept of the nature of God, showing that even at 84, the author's blade had not been dulled.在他最后的工作中,诺曼.梅勒提出了他对上帝本性的观点,显示了他即使84岁,仍然宝刀未老。

4.The Piece of String, one of his best-known stories, is a fierce study of Norman pfe.他的著名故事之一《一根绳子》是一篇深入研究诺曼人生活的特写。

5.Norman Rosenthal, exhibitions secretary of the RA, insisted there was no reason to question the authenticity of the statues or of the dig.皇家学院的展览秘书NORMANROSENTHAL坚称没有任何理由质疑雕像或此次挖掘的真实性。

6.And when he won a collegiatepterary prize, Norman Mailer knew that his true calpng was as a writer.并且,当他赢得了学院的文学奖后,诺曼.梅勒认识到他的真正使命是要做一名作家。

7.He said the most fitting honor for Norman Borlaug is to lead a second Green Revolution that feeds the world.他说最适合诺尔曼·勃朗的奖励应该是让他领导第二场“绿色革命”以养活整个世界。

8.enough getting acquainted with her, and her mother, and her brother, Norman. Arthur he already knew somewhat .跟那姑娘、她的母亲和哥哥诺尔曼结识已经够他受的了——对亚瑟他倒知道一些。

9.Yet he was also a Norman and proud of it, the son of a cuisine flowing with butter, cream and cheese. He could never renounce them.他来自诺曼底,并且以此为傲;他的配方中流淌着黄油、奶油和芝士——与这些绝缘,对他来说绝无可能。

10.Norman had misbehaved and, as a punishment, his mother wouldn't let him go on the outing, but he took it on the jaw.诺曼不守规矩,因此作为处罚,他母亲不让他去郊游,但他却处之泰然。