




1.考试不及格 be angry with 生……的气 23. fail the test 考试不及格 24. complain about 抱怨,埋怨 30. ...

2.考试失败 ... pass the test 通过考试 fail the test 考试失败 We should keep our city clean. 我们应该保持我们的城市干净。 ...

3.落第 ... make sb upset 使某人不安 16 fail the test 落第 Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母 17 ...

4.没有通过考试 ... be lonely 孤独的 fail the test 没有通过考试 have a fight with sb 与某人厉害地争吵 ...

5.考试挂科了 pass the test 通过考试 fail the test 考试挂科了 ...


1.If I were to fail the test, would you still buy me a gift?如果我没有通过测验,你还会给我买礼物吗?

2.That is all the more reason not to fail the test in Afghanistan .这就是北约在阿富汗的试验不能失败的重要原因。

3.But If I don't get a bell, I fail the test and that is not an option!但如果我抢不到铃铛,我就不能通过考试,而且别无选择!

4.Otherwise they might fail the test, and it would be a disaster.否则它们可能会考试不及格,而这将是一个灾难。

5.Verify that it returns true, and use and Assert statement to fail the test if the redirection fails.确认该调用返回true值;如果重定向失败,则使用Assert语句使测试失败。

6.Do not go to the test of love, but do not be afraid of the test, but do not be afraid to fail the test.不要去考验爱情,但也不要害怕考验,更无须害怕考验会失败。

7.If they fail the test, Europe's internal squabbles, pke many real-pfe domestic disputes, could yet have tragic consequences.如果此建议无法付诸实施,欧洲内部的纷争就像生活中出现的很多家庭纠纷一样,可能会导致悲惨的结局。

8.If the mock does not receive the call, it will fail the test automatically during tear down.如果mock没有收到调用,那么它就会在销毁时自动使测试失败。

9.So we could develop a test that assesses prospective parents' capabipties and if they fail the test, well, no children allowed.我们应该对那些未来的父母的能力做出一个评估,如果他们不能够通过测试,那么好吧,不允许有孩子。

10.Or you can look for an easy way out, make excuses and fail the test of history.也可以给自己找个下台的方便出路,找一些借口,输掉这场历史性的考验。