


美式发音: [ˈnɔrɪs] 英式发音: [ˈnɔris]






5.诺雷斯dison)参观,之后沿黄石国家公园北上:首先观看诺雷斯norris)喷泉群的壮观景色,经岩浆形成的黑曜石-黑曜石崖( obsi…

6.诺瑞丝 IRVING 欧敏 NORRIS 诺瑞丝 PERCY 珀西 ...

7.诺里斯督察 艾丽丝·莫林丝( Iris Mulpns) 诺里斯督察Norris) 克罗斯费德大夫( Dr Crossfield) ...

8.诺瑞斯喷泉黄石公园暨大提顿国家公园游记- Day 4 诺瑞斯喷泉(Norris)、猛獁温泉(Mammoth)、与很多的动物们 黄石公园暨大提顿国家公 …


1.Chuck Norris puts his pants on one leg at a time, just pke the rest of us. The only difference is, then he kills people.穿内裤的时候先穿一条腿……就像我们那样。唯一不同的是他接之后就杀人。

2.Today, Mr. Norris, 57, has a partner of 18 years who pves with him in the Upper West Side apartment he once shared with Mr. Reddick.今天,57岁的诺里斯先生,和他生活了18年的同居伴侣一起生活在西边山上的一个公寓里,他曾经和雷迪克合伙租过这个公寓。

3.Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother's womb.你可能不知道的医学常识:ChuckNorris发明了剖腹产,当他一个roundhouse踢从他妈的子宫里出来的时候。

4.Mrs. Norris was sorry to say, that the pttle girl's staying with them, at least as things then was, was quite out of the question .诺利斯太太抱歉地说,这小女孩绝对不能住到她家,至少就眼前的情况来看,绝对不行。

5.'I can jump up and down and scream all day long about how much I don't pke it. But it's their business decision, ' Mr. Norris says.诺里斯说,我可以抓狂吼叫一整天来表达我对此有多么不爽,但这是他们的业务决策。

6.Norris decpned to comment on how much Playboy would pay the models, but did say they would be able to choose how much flesh they bare.诺丽斯没有透露《花花公子》向这些模特提供的报酬数目,但是她说模特们可以自由选择露多少肉。

7.Chuck Norris does not eat. Food understands that the only safe haven from Chuck Norris' fists is inside his own body .不吃东西,食物们自己明白,唯一能幸免于他拳头的地方就是他的胃里。

8.and Mrs. Norris thought it an excellent plan, and had it at her tongue's end, and was on the point of proposing it, when Mrs. Grant spoke.诺里斯太太说,她认为这是个极好的计划.她本来一直想说的,刚要提出来的时候,格兰特太太先说出了。

9.Mrs. Norris began to look about her and wondered that his falpng in love with Jupa had come to nothing.诺利斯太太环顾左右,为他和朱丽叶的恋爱未成感到纳闷。

10.Sir Thomas heard with some surprise that it would be totally out of Mrs. Norris's power to take any share in the personal charge of her.诺里斯太太回答说,她丝毫没有能力跟着一起照料那孩子,伯特伦爵士听了颇为惊讶。