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1.西德尼 ... Sergio 塞尔吉奥 Sidney 悉德尼 Sly 斯莱 ...

5.锡德尼 ... Stephenson 斯蒂芬森 Sidney 西德尼;西德妮 Solomon 所罗门 ...

7.法文 ryan( 爱尔兰)"小国王"。 sidney( 法文)由圣者丹尼士衍生出。 spark( 美国)"闪闪发 …


1.Picasso's masterpiece was the heart of a collection consigned by the heirs of Mrs Sidney F. Brody.毕加索的这副名画是辛迪F·布罗迪夫人的继承人们委托给克里斯蒂拍卖行的收藏品中最珍贵的一件。

2.My daughter, Sidney, and I were in a rental car the size of a Pepsi can heading from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon when it happened.我和女儿希德妮开着一辆租来的小汽车行驶在从洛杉矶开往大峡谷的路上。期间发生了这样一件事情。

3.Two days later the watch stopped. Sidney could not make it start again. He took it back to the shop.两天后这表就停了,西德尼没法让它继续工作,他把表带回了商店。

4.The perpetrators then were, at least, identifiable and containable and had been tracked down to Sidney Street in the East End.至少当时警察还可以掌控那些罪犯,可以辨认他们的身份,最后追查他们至自伦敦东区。

5.A bit of me: My hobby is reading fiction books (Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon, Robin Cook), besides study asian culture.我的一点:我的爱好是读书除了学习亚洲文化小说书籍(阿加莎克里斯蒂,西德尼谢尔顿,库克)。

6." Little Sidney stopped crying his heart out the moment I gave him a big hug , " his teacher smiled .“在我紧紧拥抱他那一刻,小西德尼停止了痛哭。”他的老师微笑着说。

7.In January, Sidney Crosby, one of the sport's best players, was concussed in consecutive games after suffering a number of hits to the head.今年1月,身为最佳冰球运动员之一的西德尼•克罗斯比(SidneyCrosby)连续参加比赛,头部多次受到撞击,造成了脑震荡。

8.Sidney picked up one of the watches, "Will it last me a pfetime? " he asked.希德尼挑出块,问道“这表能一辈子不坏么?”

9.The saleswoman now lost interest in Sidney. She pushed some cheap watches at him.女销售员突然对希德尼冷淡起来。她把一些便宜的表推到他面前。

10.Sidney: How come we always have to tell you what we did, and you never tell us what you did?为什么我们必须一直告诉你我们做了什么,而你从来不告诉我们你做了什么呢?