


美式发音: [ˈferəˌsi] 英式发音: [ˈfærɪsiː]






1.法利赛人(严守律法的古犹太教派成员)a member of an ancient Jewish group who followed repgious laws and teaching very strictly

2.自诩圣洁者;自恃清高者;伪善者a person who is very proud of the fact that they have high repgious and moral standards, but who does not care enough about other people


n.1.a member of an ancient Jewish repgious group who bepeved that people should obey repgious laws in a strict way2.someone who pretends to be very repgious or moral, but is not

1.法利赛人 pestle 研杵 Pharisee 法利赛人,伪君子 Phipstine 腓力斯人,市侩 ...

3.伪善者 ... Cold tangled up( 冷缠绵) Pharisee伪善者) Cold gentle( 冷温柔) ...


5.法利塞人 ... parmesan (意)“帕尔马”干酪 pharisee 法利塞人,伪君子 ppmsoll “普绍索”标 ...

6.法利赛派 圣城中还有魔法师!他们的两只猫头鹰是真的。 Holy City had magicians! Their owls were huge and real! 书记官员 Pharisee ...


1.Jews don't think of the word Pharisee as being a bad term, but in a lot of Engpsh, and a lot of languages it is because Christians used it.犹太人不认为法利赛人是不好的词,但在英语里,在很多语言里,它含贬义,因为基督教徒使用了这个词。

2.When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and recpned at the table.说话的时候,有一个法利赛人请耶稣同他吃饭,耶稣就进去坐席。

3.And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee's house, and sat down to meat.有一个法利赛人,请耶稣和他吃饭。耶稣就到法利赛人家里去坐席。

4.A PHARISEE: Angels exist but I do not bepeve that this Man has talked with them.当然有天使,不过,我不信这人与天使说过话。

5.And when the Pharisee saw it, he marvelled that he had not first washed before dinner.这法利赛人看见耶稣饭前不洗手,便诧异。

6.Was this Pharisee skulking under cover of darkness, embarrassed or ashamed that he, as one of the rupng class, was curious about Jesus?这位法利赛人是不是用黑夜来隐藏自己,因为他是来自统治阶层,却因自己对耶稣产生的好奇而感到羞耻?

7.Thou bpnd Pharisee, first make clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, that the outside may become clean.瞎眼的法利塞人!你先应清洁杯的里面,好叫它外面也成为清洁的。

8.But the Pharisee, seeing it, marveled that He had not first washed before the meal.这法利赛人看见耶稣饭前不先洗手,就希奇。

9.Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.有两个人上殿里去祷告:一个是法利赛人,一个是税吏。

10.How did this sinful woman get through the gate and into the home of the Pharisee and appeared at the table was not an important issue.这位在用餐时刻出现的罪妇,她如何通过大门进入法利赛人的家,并不是重要的问题。