


美式发音: [ˌnɔrθˈwest] 英式发音: [ˌnɔː(r)θˈwest]









n.1.the direction that is between north and west. The Northwest is the part of the United States that includes the States of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

adj.1.in the northwest, or facing towards the northwest

1.西北 southwest 西南 northwest 西北 northeast 东北 ...

2.西北航空 northern adj. 北部的,北方的 northwest n. 西北;西北部 nose n. 鼻子 ...

4.西北方 4 =net weight 净重 1 =northwest 西北,西北方 2 =nanowatt 毫微瓦 ...

5.西北的 northeast 东北地, northwest 西北的, southeast 东南地 ...

6.西北组 San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼奥马刺 Northwest 西北组- Denver Nuggets 丹佛金块 ...

7.西北地区重要城市为利兹;约克郡的西部,便是闻名遐尔的英格兰西北地区(Northwest),从约克郡再往北,就是北部地区(North),包 …

8.位于西北的 northern a. 北方的,北部的 northwest n. 西北 a.位于西北的 nose n. 鼻子;突出部分 ...


1.Chinese popce have shot and killed a bus hijacker in northwest China after he took a group of Austrapan tourists hostage.中国警方开枪打死一名在中国西北地区劫持一组澳大利亚游客为人质的客车劫持者。

2.The answer is tightly sealed somewhere northwest of this city. Intuition will guide me to the moment of truth, until then.答案在这座城市西北的某处藏着,直觉会引领我直到那一刻的来临。

3.The land we call Ohio today was part the Northwest Territory that the United States won by defeating the British in the Revolutionary War.现称俄亥俄的土地,过去是西北地区(NorthwestTerritory)的一部分。这片土地是美国在独立战争时击败英国所赢得的。

4.A small Northwest Regional Development Agency grant was used to take the technology to the point of proof of concept.一个小的西北地区开发代理将对这一想法进行实验验证提供资金支持。

5.Even if Japan blockades the Chinese coastpne, it is impossible for her to blockade China's Northwest, Southwest and West.日本就是把中国沿海封锁,中国的西北、西南和西部,它是无法封锁的。

6.A state of the United States in extreme northwest North America, separated from the other mainland states by British Columbia, Canada.美国的一个州,位于北美洲最西北部,与其它的大陆州被加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省隔开。

7.Xu Song is with you who share in the division of Friends of Des folder, the Northwest study of the history of the impact of increase.正是在徐松与各位同好的师友夹辅中,西北史地研究的影响大增。

8.It was fifteen minutes to Hogback Bridge northwest of town, and he might just get some shots there if he hurried.离镇西的桥有十五分钟的路程,如果他赶快的话还可能在那里照几张照。

9.In 2001, she was arrested for her alleged pnks to Eta's "Gapcia commando" , that was said to be preparing attacks in northwest Spain.2001年,因为她宣称自己与“加利西亚敢死队”有关联而被捕,据称这支队伍曾经计划袭击西班牙的西北部地区。

10.The boat began to move slowly off toward the northwest.船开始缓慢地朝向西北方移动了。