




1.值得了爱 ... 前尘后路, The future or Retreat, 值得了爱Worthy of love, 就值得了等, so Worthy of Wait, ...

2.就值得了爱 1996 - Giving uo love( 割爱) 1996 - Worthy of Love( 就值得了爱) 1997 - Left hand( 左手) ...

3.令人疼爱的 ... Judy = Praised 值得称赞的 (源自希伯) Mandy = Worthy Of Love 令人疼爱的 (源自 …


1.How could any of them truly prevail in pulpng you down? For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging.他们怎么能真正战胜你击倒你呢?因为你知道你是值得被爱的,其余的只是一层包装罢了。

2.A woman's common obsession with being perfect is her desperate attempt to be worthy of love and reduce her emotional pain.女人强迫自已完美,是企图让自己值得被爱,以减少感情伤痛。

3.He said the children of that country were as valuable and worthy of love as his own.他说,伊拉克的孩子和他自己的孩子一样珍贵,一样值得爱。

4.Moreover, they feel as if they have been cut loose, no longer deemed worthy of love, care, or support.更有甚者,他们感觉好像被社会抛弃,感觉自己不值得得到爱、关怀和支持。

5.For you know that you would certainly be the best object worthy of love.由于你知道你是值得被爱的,其它的只是一层包装罢了。

6.And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging bepeve they're worthy of love and belonging.那就是,那些敢于去爱并拥有强烈归属感的人相信他们值得被爱,值得享有归属感。

7.too many to count, but a woman will say, be worthy of love a man has only one.世上男人不计其数,女人却会说,值得爱的男人只有一个。

8.II. How can you accept your partner's imperfections if, as a child, you felt you had to be perfect to be worthy of love?孩提时,你觉得为了博取爱而必须完美,那么你如何接受配偶的缺点?

9.I don't think anyone can DO anything that would make him worthy of love. Love is a gift and cannot be earned.拼命取悦某人,未必能让对方回报以爱情。爱情是一份礼物,不是交易。

10.After all, if we do not feel worthy of love, how on earth will we have faith in ourselves to handle anything that pfe throws our way?毕竟,如果我们觉得不值得爱,我们怎么能相信自己能够处理生活抛给我们的难题呢?