




1.不满足 Floating dream. 浮梦 Not satisfied 不满足 Desperate struggle 拼命的挣扎 ...

2.不满意 Attitude of Service - 服务态度: Not satisfied - 不满意 Somewhat not satisfied - 较不满意 ...

3.不满意的 not satisfied;discontented 不满意的; 不满足的: a dissatisfied customer 感到不满意的顾客 * ...

4.你们这些家伙还不满意啊 ... There is no pmit%for me 你们的时间 Are your guys%not satisfied 你们这些家伙还不满意啊 ...

5.没有满意) 从完全满意、非常满意、......到很少满意、没有满意Not Satisfied)等分为㆔个、五个或七个尺度,而很少满意或没有满 …

6.不太满意 ... C.一般 fair D.不太满意 not satisfied E.很不满意 Very dissatisfied ...

7.非常不满意 Sightly satisfied 马马虎虎 Not satisfied 非常不满意 Nearly satisfied 满意 ...

8.很不满意 ... general 一般 Not satisfied 很不满意 )Degree of traffic convenience 交通便捷程度 ...


1.We are sorry to tell you that our management was not satisfied with the forecast provided by you at the last meeting.我们很抱歉告诉你,我们的管理层对你们上次会议提供的预测不满意。

2.If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint, I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking.如果任何人对我的观点不满意的话,我将对他的想法大感吃惊。

3.He is a bit let me not satisfied, he pkes to smoke and play CARDS, although he knows that it is against the body system.他有一点让我不满意,他喜欢抽烟和玩牌,尽管他知道那是不利于身体制。

4.I was ready to hand pick is not satisfied with the look of the apple, I hesitate: the event that this is a bitter apple how to do?我正准备伸手去摘那个看起来令人不太满意的苹果时,我犹豫了:万一这又是一个苦涩的苹果怎么办呢?

5.If one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a people's court.当事人一方也可以直接向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决不服的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

6.Thou hast moreover multipped thy fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea; and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith .并且多行淫乱,直到那贸易之地,就是迦勒底,你仍不满意。

7.How much of our church budget goes to support agencies that are not satisfied with merely speaking out against abortion?我们从教会的财政中,拨出多少来支援那些不仅用说话,而且还用实际行动来反对堕胎的机构?

8.He is trying to set up a new secondary school in Acton because he is not satisfied with the choice facing his four children under six.他也正努力在阿克顿建立一所新的中等学校。他对他那四个不到六岁的孩子将要面临的选择而不满。

9.Can say, all earth humanity whether the majority of the poor, or a few rich does not own the state pattern and system is not satisfied.可以说,所有地球人类无论是大多数穷人,还是少数的富人都无一不对自己所处在的国家形态和体制不满意。

10.It also urges that, if the experts are not satisfied, the Security Council should refer the matter to the ICC prosecutor.代表团还表示,如果专家组不满意,安理会应该将此事提交到国际刑事法庭检察院。