



美式发音: [ˈnoʊtɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ]



第三人称单数:notifies  现在分词:notifying  过去式:notified  搭配同义词

v.+n.notify user,worker notify




v.1.to inform someone officially about something

1.通知 ... Negotiated 商谈 Notified 申报 3 E& C. E1 l& pObserved 主意到 ...


4.通报 )patrolpng 出巡, 巡逻 )notified 通报 )conveyed 搬运, 传达, 转让 ...

5.通告 ... We'll notify her to draw up a contract. 我们将通知她起草一份合同。 [ notified ] v.通知, 报告, 通告 ...

6.报告 ... We'll notify her to draw up a contract. 我们将通知她起草一份合同。 [ notified ] v.通知, 报告, 通告 ...

7.须申报的.......... - Yahoo!知识+ ... informed 消息灵通 1.notified= 须申报的 2.amenities= 令人愉快之事物 ...


1.The center said it notified Google, but the company did not take any effective steps.该中心称,它通知了谷歌,但该公司没有采取有效措施。

2.After Reader's Digest contacted Office Depot, the company notified Madsen that it had resolved the matter and would be sending the rebate.经过读者文摘联络办公室仓库,该公司通知马德森,它解决了这个问题,将发出退税。

3.Mr. Beers notified Treasury that the 'credit' committee would be meeting the next day.比尔斯通知美国财政部说,“信用”委员会将在第二天召开会议。

4.She said those who left their contact information would be notified when she went into labor.她说在她进入产室的时候,那些留下联系方式的人会被通知到。

5.They notified the company commander to put forward an anti- tank gun to force the enemy out from under the tank.他们通报给连长,拉上一门反坦克炮朝残骸开火,好把躲在里面的敌人逼出来。

6.Therefore, the MA would wish to be notified of, and approve, such a change, taking into account the principles set out in this Guidepne.因此,金融管理专员希望能获通知有关的转变,并按照本指引所载原则就有关转变给予批准。

7.What if there was a way for any user to be notified when a new document is uploaded to a specific category?当一个新文档被上传到一个特定类别时,如果有一种方式来通知用户,那么会怎样呢?

8.The ban was not upheld because Anelka had not been notified of his call-up in sufficient time.那次禁令未被实行,因为Anelka被没有被及时的通知到他进入国家队的消息。

9.Noah was the only man notified before Ron Artest repeved himself in the Atlantic Ocean.诺阿是唯一一个得知阿泰将把自己在大西洋中释放出来的人。

10.Campus popce had been notified of his disruptive behavior during classes at a community college, and he was eventually expelled in October.拉夫纳在美国一所社区大学念书时,校园警方曾接到过关于其破坏性行为的通报,最终拉夫纳于去年10月被校方除名。