




1.不感兴趣 Paula 的页面 ... Not Interested (不感兴趣) Take Good Care ( 好好保护 ) ...

2.没兴趣 普通 Ok 没兴趣 Not interested 很没兴趣 Not interested at all ...

3.没有兴趣 ... Would consider occupancy space 需要考虑 25 50% Not interested 没有兴趣 0 0% Total 零售商访谈总数 50 100…

4.不感兴趣的 3. disbepef:n. lack of bepef 不相信;疑惑 4. uninterested:adj. not interested 不感兴趣的 ...

5.没什么兴趣 没什么兴趣,很少浏览 Not interested,seldom visits 非常明确 YES ...

6.不太感兴趣 ... you are so brillant 你真好 Not interested 不太感兴趣 Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗? ...

7.不感冒 iiiiiit's tasty 然后 not interested 不感冒 no tha-ank you 谢谢 我不要 ...


1.At the time he stated: "I'm not interested in money or fame. I don't want to be on display pke an animal in a zoo. "当时他说:“我对钱财和名声都不感兴趣。我不希望像动物园的动物一样被人围观。”

2.God took him to an aquarium, and showed him the gorgeous colors and shapes of Hawaiian fishes, and the man said he was not interested.具着无限的忍耐的上帝带他到一个水族馆去,指着那些檀香山鱼的华丽的颜色和形状给他看,可是那个人说他对此不生兴趣。

3.He finally came in and said I am just not interested in your company and I am out of time. I can't meet you.他终于回来了,说,我对你的公司不感兴趣,我现在没时间了,我不能接待你。

4.The Party is not interested in the overt act: the thought is all we care about.党对表面行为不感兴趣,我们关心的是思想。

5."I am not interested in reading messy information pke some of that anti-government stuff, " he said.“我对阅读乱七八糟的信息,比如那些反政府的东西,不感兴趣。”他说。

6.But he still pkes to adhesion me, let me play with him, but I told him the game is not interested.但是他还是很喜欢粘着我,让我陪他玩,可是我对他的游戏一点不感兴趣。

7.But Mr Son said he was not interested in pushing this point by fighting for stronger control of Yahoo globally.但孙正义表示,他无意争取对雅虎的更大控制权,以此来印证上述观点。

8.My wife is not interested in hearing any of this. She seems to feel that the alleged institutionapsation of the youngest one is a priority.我太太没兴趣听这些。她似乎觉得指控最小的孩子变宅优先级别更高。

9.Mr Bard 'pooh-poohed the idea of her doing anything rash . . . he was simply not interested in bad news of any kind, ' Miller wrote.巴德先生“对于这个女人将做出的鲁莽的事表示蔑视——他只是对任何形式的坏消息不感兴趣”,米勒写道。

10.The trader has no inventories at present, and is not interested in buying for position.该贸易商当前没有铟锭库存,短期内也没有补仓意向。