


美式发音: [ˈɑksfərd] 英式发音: [ˈɒksfə(r)d]






1.[pl]牛津鞋(一种系鞋带的皮鞋)leather shoes that fasten with laces

n.1.牛津2.(英国)牛津(大学)3.〈美〉同“Oxford shoes”4.同“Oxford gray”1.牛津2.(英国)牛津(大学)3.〈美〉同“Oxford shoes”4.同“Oxford gray”

n.1.strong leather shoes that you fasten with shoelaces2.an oxford shirt is made of thick cotton and has a collar that is fastened down with buttons3.<AmE>Same as Oxford shoes4.Same as Oxford gray1.strong leather shoes that you fasten with shoelaces2.an oxford shirt is made of thick cotton and has a collar that is fastened down with buttons3.<AmE>Same as Oxford shoes4.Same as Oxford gray

1.牛津 平纹布 plain cloth 牛津布 oxford 斜纹布 drill ...

4.英国牛津大学英国牛津大学(OXFORD):汤浩然、潘雨、薛佳琛、雷书懿、胡一弘、史霄安、柳奕骏、邱梓城同学获得预录取通知英国剑桥大 …

5.牛津市学校位于牛津市 (Oxford) 北部的住宅区,搭短程的巴士即可到达市中心。校舍是一幢优雅的维多利亚式建筑,提供学员古典安 …

6.牛津鞋我对於牛津鞋(oxford)这种东西又流行回来, 是有点怕怕的啦, 以前小时候, 觉得这是老人在穿的鞋款, 所以说以前的东西都不能丢 …

7.牛津郡安大略省牛津郡(Oxford)的居民,募集了六千二百十五元加币,交由马 偕带回台湾,用以兴建一所现代化书院,时为1881年的 …


1.When I left for Oxford, I gave her a cardboard box full of paperback books on civil rights and urged her to read them.我离开美国赴牛津大学前给过她一纸盒民权方面的平装书,力劝她多看看。

2.Fascinated by physics, Stephen concentrated in the subject at Oxford's University College, but did not distinguish himself.由于迷上了物理学,斯蒂芬在牛津大学学院集中精力学习这门学科,但成绩并不出色。

3.The Oxford Dictionary of Engpsh says much the same thing but specifies that this is apppcable to a man, not a woman.而牛津英语字典的解释也差不多,只不过强调了这个形容词是专用来形容男士的,而非女士。

4.This represents the earpest citation that The Oxford Engpsh Dictionary has for a long gun being referred to as a rifle.在《牛津英语词典》里,这也是第一条将长枪称为rifle的引证。

5.At Oxford I have been a good deal used to have a man lean on me for the length of a street, and you are only a fly in the comparison.我在牛津上学的时候,经常让一个小伙子靠在身上行走,一走就是一条街那么远。比较起来,你就像只飞蝇那么轻。

6.Some banks turned up to Oxford's finance fair but did not recruit anyone, Mr Black says.布莱克表示,有些投行参加了牛津举办的金融业招聘会,但没有招聘任何学生。

7.Avoiding and then adjusting for any such bias, however, is at the heart of the work of the Oxford cancer epidemiology unit.然而,避免和调整诸如此类的偏见是牛津大学癌症流行病学部门的工作核心。

8.In the evenings he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford.晚上他努力学习为考试作准备,而大多数上午他带领游人参观牛津大学。

9.When I last saw her a quarter of a century ago, she was a scruffy, cerebral Oxford undergraduate.我上一次见她,还是25年前。那时候,她是个不修边幅、思维理智的牛津大学学生。

10.Liu was extremely happy to have been admitted to Oxford, but soon he found he was out of his depth in his major.刘很高兴被牛津大学录取,但很快发现自己的专业实力差的很远。