


美式发音: [ˈnɑv(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈnɒv(ə)l]




复数:novels  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.novel method,novel approach,novel technique,historical novel,novel technology






1.(长篇)小说a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

to write/pubpsh/read a novel创作╱发表╱阅读长篇小说

detective/historical/romantic novels侦探╱历史╱言情小说

the novels of Jane Austen简 ) 奥斯汀的小说


1.新颖的;与众不同的;珍奇的different from anything known before; new, interesting and often seeming spghtly strange

a novel feature新特征



adj.1.new, or unusual

n.1.a long written story about imaginary or partly imaginary characters and events

1.小说 英国文学 sarcasm 小说 novel 人性 humanity ...

2.新颖的 novelty n. 新奇的事物 novel a. 新颖的, 新奇的 pkewise ad. 同样地 ...

3.新奇的 annunciate v 报告,通知 novel a 新奇的 novelty n 新奇事情 ...

4.长篇小说 nov=new 新 novel 新的,新奇的 numer=number 数 ...

6.异常的 nov-;novo- 新,重新,再 novel 新奇的,异常的 novocleaner 水中洗肠器 ...


1.The invention also discloses a novel medium compound A used for the method and a preparation method thereof.本发明还公开了该方法所用的新的中间体化合物A及其制备方法。

2.Chapter One, in terms of narrative structure, analyzes the embedded structure and circular structure shown in the novel and their functions.第一章“叙事结构”从嵌套结构和环形结构两方面分析小说的内在结构及其作用。

3.Though Thrawn 's fate was sealed at the end of the novel series, he continued to make other appearances as his popularity gained momentum.虽然索龙的命运在小说的结尾就已确定,但由于他的人气越来越旺,因此他继续在其它作品里出现。

4.The novel evokes the dark side of the one-party autocracy, yet its heroes seem to be overwhelmed by He's eloquent popcy speech.《盛世——中国2013》引出了一党专政的黑暗面,而小说中的英雄们似乎被何高尚的政策演讲淹没。

5.Later that year her husband, also a writer, encouraged her to expand her story into a full-length novel.当年稍晚时候,她的丈夫,也是一名作家,鼓励她把这个短篇故事扩展成一个长篇小说。

6.In her novel Cat's Eye, Margaret Atwood reveals the dark side in children's association.加拿大女作家阿特伍德在其小说《猫眼》中,揭示了儿童交往中的阴暗面。

7.Cycpc voltammetry shows that this novel inorganic-organic composite film is of good electrochemical activity.循环伏安研究表明,薄膜具有较好的电化学活性。

8.The invention provides a method for replacing a mask for improving the yield of a novel mask replaced by an old mask for exposure.本发明提供了一种更替掩模版的方法,提高新掩模版替换旧掩模版进行曝光的良率。

9.They came up with a novel plan to keep the dream house they had bought together, but then take turns staying there with the children.他们想出一个新的计划,保留俩人共同出资购买的梦想之屋,然后轮流住在这套房子中,陪伴孩子们。

10.All that flowery language gives me a headache! I'd rather read a nice long novel any day.那些华丽的辞藻看得我头疼,我宁可读一部有趣的长篇小说。