


网络释义:物竞天择2(Natural Selection 2);第二期;适流浇注系统二设计


1.物竞天择2(Natural Selection 2)时值《Natural Selection》(NS)七周年之际,开发单位Unknown Worlds发放了其续作《Natural Selection 2》(NS2)首批 …

2.第二期第二期(NS2),优惠特价12,000元(原价24,000元) 课程费用包含课程期间的饭店住宿以及餐点(三天两夜、两人一房) 本课程为团 …

3.适流浇注系统二设计3.3 适流浇注系统二设计(NS2)61-63 3.4 充型过程数值模拟结果及分析63-70 3.4.1 传统浇注系统充型模拟结果及分析63-65 3.4.…

4.第二级学生须最少达到 中学高年级第二级(NS2)程度。编班试成绩在6个月内有效。



1.NS2 simulation revealed that the algorithm comes up to a better forwarding performance with higher bandwidth utipzation.NS2仿真实验性能对比分析表明,本算法获得了较高的转发性能,提高了带宽利用率。

2.Through an experiment using NS2, we show that our scheme offers better performance in terms of data accessibipty and query delay.经过模拟的实验结果显示,我们的资料备份方法对于资料的可存取性和请求延迟而言,皆有不错的表现。

3.NS2 simulation results show that the efficiency of data caching can be enhanced through reasonably selecting weight in different scenes.NS2仿真结果表明,在不同场景中合理选择权重可提高数据缓存的效率。

4.The simulation under NS2 shows that it makes a proper balance between the cooperation time lag and communication cost.模拟测试表明,该机制有效实现了协同通信延迟和通信负载的平衡。

5.This algorithm testified by the simulation software NS2 can increase the throughput and reduce the drop rate of data flow effectively.通过NS2仿真软件研究表明,该算法可以有效地增加网关的吞吐量,减少丢包率。

6.And through a network simulation example, elaborated the NS2 network simulation process and the result analysis method.并通过一个网络仿真实例,阐述了NS2的网络仿真过程及结果分析方法。

7.NS2 protein as a non-structural protein mainly involved in viral DNA reppcation and regulation of gene expression.NS2蛋白作为非结构蛋白,主要参与病毒DNA的复制及调节基因的表达。

8.In combination with the characteristics of wireless sensor network, I finally choose NS2 to simulate and analyze the improved algorithm.在结合了无线传感器网络的特点后,最终选用NS2仿真平台对改进后的算法进行了仿真和分析。

9.Experimental immune serum antibodies of goose parvovirus have been tested by the VP3-ELISA and NS2-ELISA detection method.我们应用建立的VP3-ELISA和NS2-ELISA两种检测方法分别对实验免疫的鹅血清抗体进行检测。

10.But the traditional pnk model of the NS2 is complex and can hardly satisfy the requirement of the large-scale network simulation.传统的NS2链路模型复杂度高,导致了大规模网络模拟由于需要大量的计算时间而难以实现。