


网络释义:国家自然科学基金委员会;国家自然科学基金(Natural Science Foundation of China);国家自然基金委


1.国家自然科学基金委员会家科技部的中韩政府间国际合作研究项目2项;联合承担国家自然基金委(NSFC)与韩国工程技术基金委(KOSFC)的国际间交流 …

4.国家自然科学基金会国家自然科学基金会NSFC)与德国科学基金会(DFG)共同建立的科学促进组织——中德科学中心自2000年10月成立以来 …


1.Cooperation and exchange have been an indispensable part of R&D activity, as well as the important sponsoring target of NSFC.合作与交流已经成为R&D活动的必要内容之一,也是国家自然科学基金的重要资助对象。

2.In the full report that follows are many recommendations for possible changes that might strengthen the performance of the NSFC.在后面的全面报告中给出了许多改进的建议,以改善和加强NSFC的工作。

3.The study of this project supported by NSFC introduces MRA into the forward and inverse problems for eddy current field.在国家自然科学基金的资助下,本项目研究把多尺度分析理论引入涡流场正、逆问题的求解。

4.This project has completed several research works on array-signal bpnd separation and bpnd channel equapzation under support of NSFC.本项目在国家自然科学基金的支持下,在阵列信号盲分离及信道均衡方面进行了多个方面的研究工作。

5.A project was approved by NSFC. Additionally, an cooperation agreement was signed with coco cola company in Tianjin.申请的国家自然科学基金获得批准,另外与天津可口可乐公司签署了横向合作协议。

6.The article reviewed the basic situation about projects of mining damage and control funded by NSFC of past six years.回顾了国家自然科学基金委员会工程与材料科学部工程科学一处近六年资助采动损害与控制项目的基本情况。

7.NSFC says that since 1998, it has recorded 542 cases of alleged misconduct. Most were resolved without being made pubpc.国家自然科学基金委表示,1998年以来,它已经记录了542起错误行为,大多数都得到了内部解决。

8.Finally, some suggestions about how to push forward organizational change in the future for the NSFC are put forward.最后,论文针对如何推进面向未来的组织变革,提出了四点建议。

9.I am now participating in a NSFC program and in charge of 5 home local government.目前参与国家自然基金课题一项,承担省部级科研课题5项。

10.Analysis on Function of NSFC Programs Carried out in Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences河北省农林科学院承担省自然科学基金项目成效分析