



美式发音: [ˈnʌɡət] 英式发音: [ˈnʌɡɪt]



复数:nuggets  搭配同义词

adj.+n.gold nugget




n.1.a rough lump of gold or other metal as it is found in the eartstrong.food in the shape of a small lump3.a small piece of information or advice that can be useful or important

1.掘金 活塞队 Pistons 掘金队 Nuggets 爵士队 Jazz ...

5.丹佛金砖--从早餐到开车时吃的点心 产品目录--从汉堡包、鸡块nuggets)到煎饼  当建立一个表达清楚的品牌结构所需要的具识别效 …


1.The study found the nation's ladies hear three nuggets of gossip a week, but end up passing it on to at least one other person.这项研究表明英国的女性每礼拜能听到三封谣言,最后却把它们至少传给一个人。

2.The Los Angeles Lakers eked out a narrow victory over the visiting Denver Nuggets in game one of the Western Conferece finals Tuesday night.周二晚,洛杉矶湖人在斯台普斯中心的西部决赛揭幕战中险胜到访的丹佛掘金队。

3.And he knew immediately what was wrong. It wasn't that the Pistons traded for Allen Iverson it was who they traded away to the Nuggets .他立即知道了是哪里出了问题。不是因为活塞队交易了阿伦。艾弗森,而是因为被交易到掘金的那个人。

4.It may be too early to tell whether the Nuggets can really contend in the West, but Billups finally brings a defensive identity to the team.也许现在说掘金会成为西部豪强还为时过早,但是毋庸置疑的是他给球队带来了防守的理念。

5.The company now lets you add the number of diamonds, gold nuggets, platinum pieces or whatever you want at their new onpne boutique.在此公司新开的网上精品店中,你可以(根据自己的喜好)随意增加钻石、金块、铂金或任何你想要的饰品的数量。

6.You can hump chicken nuggets all day long (in the privacy of your own home, of course).你也可以炸鸡块炸足一整天(当然独自在自己家里)。

7.Status Offpne Technology alchemists have been promising to turn base data into golden nuggets of information for the last 20 years.过去二十年,技术专家一直承诺要将原始资料转换成宝贵信息。

8.An NBA insider said the Indiana Pacers, Houston Rockets and Boston Celtics have interest in Nuggets point guard Earl Watson.据NBA内部消息灵通人士称,步行者,火箭,凯尔特人都在打掘金控卫沃特森的主意。

9.He made 10 consecutive shots during one stretch as the Nuggets shuffled through defenders, moving from Martin to Linas Kleiza to Smith.10投全中使得掘金不断改变防守队员,从马丁到克雷扎再到史密斯。

10.The three teams we played [Nuggets, Suns, Jazz], obviously you could have put them in any order . . . and had the same kind of tough series.和我们对阵过的三支球队[掘金,太阳,爵士],很显然,你可以以任何顺序安排他们…然后都会有同样艰辛的系列赛。