


美式发音: [nʌt] 英式发音: [nʌt]




复数:nuts  过去式:nutted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.tough nut

v.+n.go nut




1.坚果a small hard fruit with a very hard shell that grows on some trees

to crack a nut(= open it)破开坚果

a Brazil nut巴西果

a hazelnut榛子

nuts and raisins果仁和葡萄干

2.螺母;螺帽a small piece of metal with a hole through the centre that is screwed onto a bolt to hold pieces of wood, machinery, etc. together

to tighten a nut拧紧螺母

a wheel nut车轮螺母

3.人的头(或大脑)a person's head or brain

4.(informal)怪人;疯子a strange or crazy person

He's a complete nut, if you ask me.要我说,他是个十足的疯子。

5.(informal)着迷的人;专注于某事的人;…迷a person who is extremely interested in a particular subject, activity, etc.

a fitness/tennis/computer, etc. nut健美迷、网球迷、电脑迷等

6.[pl]睾丸a man's testicles

IDMdo your nut(informal)暴跳如雷;气炸to become very angrya hard/tough nut(informal)难对付的人;难说服的人a person who is difficult to deal with or to influencea hard/tough nut (to crack)棘手的问题;不好对付的情形a difficult problem or situation to deal withthe nuts and bolts (of sth)(informal)基本要点the basic practical details of a subject or an activityoff your nut(informal)疯狂crazyv.

1.(informal)~ sb(故意)以头撞击to depberately hit sb hard with your head



n.1.a dry fruit that grows inside a hard shell on some types of tree and bush. Many kinds of nuts can be eaten2.a small metal object with a hole in the middle that you screw a bolt through in order to fasten things together3.an insulting word for someone who you think is crazy4.someone who is extremely enthusiastic about a particular activity, sport, or subject5.your head, or your brain6.a mans testicles1.a dry fruit that grows inside a hard shell on some types of tree and bush. Many kinds of nuts can be eaten2.a small metal object with a hole in the middle that you screw a bolt through in order to fasten things together3.an insulting word for someone who you think is crazy4.someone who is extremely enthusiastic about a particular activity, sport, or subject5.your head, or your brain6.a mans testicles

1.螺母 nipple, 管接头 nut螺母 o-ring,O 形环 ...

2.坚果 (squirrel n. 松鼠) (nut n. 坚果) (debt n. 债务) 新概念英语(第三册)学习笔 …

3.螺帽 螺栓 Bolt 螺帽 Nut 起重工具 Lifting tools ...

4.果仁(Nuts) nitwit 笨人,傻子 nut 疯子,怪人 pockmark 麻子 ...

7.坚果,干果 nursery n. 托儿所;苗圃 nut n. 坚果,干果;螺母 nylon n. 尼龙,耐纶 ...

8.螺母,螺帽 not ad. 不,没有 nut n. 坚果;螺母,螺帽 oar n. 桨橹 ...


1.A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.男生愿意用他左边的蛋换取可以读懂女生在想什么的一天。

2.There is one nut that you can more easily find in the shell than out of it, though I wish it were the other way around: chestnuts.有一种坚果,你可以很容易剥掉它的壳,但是里面的果肉很难取出来,尽管我希望这是反过来的:栗子。

3.Thomas L. Friedman? Never heard of him. He must be a nut to write a book pke that.托马斯.弗里德曼?从来没有听说过。他写这种书肯定是个疯子。

4.The composite material forms a self-lubricating pning on the surface of a steel nut substrate in an injection moulding mode.将复合材料以注射成型的方式,在钢螺母基体表面形成自润滑衬层。

5.As we all know, Our boss is a hard nut to crack, every time we want to ask for a leave, he simply says no, whatever reason you might have.众所周知,我们的老板是个难缠的人.我们每次想请假,他都说不行,不管你有什么理由。

6.You're a bit of a conspiracy nut. What do you think?你是个阴谋论狂人。你怎么看?

7.He was a racing NUT, but he failed to understand that the heyday of racing had already passed.他是一个赛车狂,但不了解赛车的全盛时期已一去不复返了。

8.I pray that the next time you see an un-cracked nut, God will use that to sopdify your understanding of forgiveness, just as He did for me.我祈祷,下次你看到一个完整核桃的时候,上帝能用核桃教你坚定对宽容的理解,就像他教导我一样。

9.Mike: Oh, give me a break Carol; if I got to introduce one of my nut bar professors I certainly wouldn't bust a gut over it. Sorry Dad.迈克:哦,你等一下,卡罗尔,如果让我介绍教我的那些教授,我屁也不会放一个的。对不起,爸爸。

10.The elppsoidal kernel of this tree, either eaten as a NUT or used for extraction of an oil for flavoring.杏树果这种树的椭圆形果子,可作坚果食用或提炼调味油