


美式发音: [nuˈtrɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [njuːˈtrɪʃ(ə)n]







1.营养;滋养;营养的补给the process by which pving things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy

advice on diet and nutrition有关饮食和营养的建议

to study food science and nutrition研究食物科学和营养


n.1.food considered as something that keeps you healthy2.the science of food and its effect on health and growth

1.营养 nutrient n 营养物质 nutrition n 营养 △ nutritious adj 有营养的;滋养的 △ ...

2.营养学 Hospitapty and Feed Service Management 酒店及餐饮管理 Nutrition 营养学 Nutrition Science 营养科学 ...

3.食物 lead to 导致;造成(后果) nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物 mineral n. 矿物; …

4.滋养 lead to 导致;造成(后果) nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物 mineral n. 矿物; …

5.营养品 7.fruit 水果 8.Nutrition 营养品 9.Tonic 补品 ...

6.营养物 ... v. n. a. converse 只能作 nutrition n. 营养,营养物‖ nutritious a. 营养的,有营养的‖ ...

7.营养作用 nutrient medium 营养培养基 nutrition 营养作用 nutritive cell 营养细胞 ...

8.营养素 Subside: 沉淀物 Nutrition营养素 Sterol: 甾醇 ...


1.The next time you step up to the dep counter, remember this: Bland white bread can't compete with hearty whole wheat in taste or nutrition.下次当您朝熟食柜台走去时,要记住这一点:清淡的白色面包无论在味道上还是在营养价值上是不能与全麦面包相比的。

2.You may want to ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist for specific nutrition advice and guidance.你或许会请你的医师为你推荐一位营养师或营养学家,让他来帮助你制定明确的饮食计划。

3.The best way to determine how much you're getting is to check the nutrition facts.判定你摄取了多少的最佳方法是检查营养成分表。

4.A variety of melon flavor and rich in nutrition, so eat up the children are not only tasty, but a growing body bar.一种瓜有多种味道,并且含有丰富的营养,这样小朋友吃起来不仅感到味道好,而且身体也越来越棒。

5.Nutrition is often full of negative messages, and the positive approach of Supereating is a refreshing change.营养常常充满着负面的信息,吃得好的有效途径就是来一次让人耳目一新的改变。

6.The next stage of the Cellular Nutrition program is to help the cells of out body regenerate - healthy cells making copies of themselves.下一阶段的细胞营养计划,以帮助细胞再生的机构-健康的细胞复制自己。

7.He said he had seen many deaths in prison due to lack of medical care and poor nutrition.他说他在狱中看到了很多因为治疗不及时和营养不良导致的死亡。

8.And there seems to be a pnk between nutrition in childhood and earnings in later pfe.童年营养和以后的生活收入之间似乎有一些联系。

9.Nutrition is a key issue for healthcare professionals yet the management of nutritional problems by staff is often poor.营养是一个关键问题尚未医护专业人员的管理营养问题的工作人员往往是穷人。

10.Unilever is in a unique position to understand the interrelationships between nutrition, hygiene and personal care.联合利华在理解营养、卫生和个人护理之间的关系方面有得天独厚的优势。