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网络释义:纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange);纽约证交所;美国纽约证券交易所



1.纽约证券交易所New York Stock Exchange

na.1.New York Stock Exchange

1.纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange) 主板市场纽约证券交易所NYSE)、纳斯达克市场 (NASDAQ)和美国证券交易所(AMEX)主要是为 在国内乃至全球有影 …


3.美国纽约证券交易所* 美国纽约证券交易所(NYSE)给予CFA特许资格持有人只需加考证券分析师考试(The Supervisory Analyst Examination)中的证 …

4.纽约股票交易所  美国的纽约股票交易所NYsE)是一个传统的股票交易所,位于大盘路18号和华尔街交界处,有“大盘”的美名。于1653年在纽 …

5.纽交所纽交所NYSE),纽交所泛美市场(NYSE Amex),纽交所泛美期权市场(NYSE Amex Options),纽交所高增长板市场(…


7.纽约交易所  纽约交易所(NYSE)、美国交易所(AMEX)和纳斯达克(NASDAQ),均对上市公司在财务方面提出了最低数量要求。在上述三个市 …


1.Mr. Grasso: To say that the noise around my departure caused people [at the NYSE] to go into a nuclear winter is not fair.格拉索:要说因我离职而起的种种传言导致了纽交所的员工进入严冬,那是不公平的。

2.This one really hurts the pride as the NYSE was perceived, at least by me, to be a powerful symbol of America.这次事件真的伤害了我们的自尊。因为至少在我看来纽交所是美国强有力的象征。

3.It sent out a message saying it would no longer allow quotes from Arca to be automatically routed from the NYSE.纳斯达克发出一则消息说,不再允许Arca的报价自动从纽约证券交易所发送过来。纳斯达克隶属于NasdaqOMXGroupInc.。

4.Average daily volumes on the NYSE are still running at a spghtly higher level than they were a year ago, despite the loss of market share.尽管市场份额有所下降,但纽约证交所的日均成交量仍略高于一年前。

5.The battleground would now take place in the offices of the NYSE's largest shareholders, with both sides jockeying for votes.战场将转到纽交所大股东的办公室里,双方都将努力拉票。

6.Now, though, caught in a war over the cost of trading shares, the NYSE quite rightly is looking at other markets with fatter spreads.不过,深陷股票交易成本之战中的纽约证券交易所目前正以相当正确的态度看待其它进出差价较大的市场。

7.In the new rules, companies can opt out of the pst, although the New York Stock Exchange said none had so far.按照新规定,公司可以选择从名单上撤下,但纽约证交所(NYSE)表示,迄今没有一家公司这么做。

8.Mr Thain, a former president of Goldman Sachs, is credited with transforming the NYSE since he took over in January 2004.塞恩曾任高盛(GoldmanSachs)总裁。自他于2004年1月执掌纽约证交所以来,因对该机构进行转型而备受赞誉。

9.Later on Monday, NYSE Euronext acknowledged the planned tender offer and noted that Nasdaq and ICE did not adjust their bid.周一稍晚,纽约-泛欧交易所承认这一计划中的收购要约,并指出Nasdaq和ICE没有调整报价。

10.But more than the money, the NYSE experience proved that Thain could run a company on his own.但除了挣钱之外,在纽交所的经历证明,塞恩自己可以单独掌管一家公司。