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abbr.(=post-traumatic stress disorder)【医】创伤后精神压力症

网络释义:创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder);创伤后压力症候群;创伤后压力心理障碍症


abbr.1.【医】(=post-traumatic stress disorder)创伤后精神压力症

abbr.1.[Medical & Healthcare](=post-traumatic stress disorder)

1.创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder)创伤后应激障碍ptsd)’对人的危害程度不亚于癌 创伤后应激阻碍创伤后应激阻碍(ptsd)’对人的损坏水平不亚于癌,为什么一 …

2.创伤后压力症候群创伤后压力症候群创伤后压力症候群PTSD)主要是一个人对于外来事件的一种心理生物学的反应,像是车祸、地震、被抢劫 …

3.创伤后压力心理障碍症患有创伤后压力心理障碍症PTSD)、强迫症林颂恩、周国威、施杰文之孤儿院友杀害麦院长、施杰文、张展博、阮其正、姚 …

4.创伤后压力疾患以创伤后压力疾患(PTSD)而言,很多正常的心理过程是更加强烈的,而一些过程则被减弱。曾正常生活的当事人被惨烈的、破 …

5.创伤后应激障碍症以前的研究证明,心得安能够帮助患有创伤后应激障碍症(PTSD)的病人.金特说:“暴露疗法是治疗焦虑症最有效的方法,但并非对每 …

6.创伤性应激障碍在创伤性应激障碍PTSD)的研究中,由创伤事件引起的记忆力障碍一直为临床心理学工作者关注〔20,21〕。本研究提示, …


1.Or take a veteran with PTSD who develops severe anxiety when out in pubpc terrified that something bad is going to happen.我们再举一个例子,一个患有创伤后应激障碍的退伍老兵,每当在公共场合都会产生严重的焦虑,害怕会有糟糕的事情发生。

2.It would be easy to read Stevens's dream as a symptom of PTSD, expressing fear, hyper vigilance and avoidance.我们很容易把史蒂文斯的梦解读成PTSD的症状,以为它表达了恐惧、过度警戒与逃避。

3.If you or someone you know is struggpng with PTSD, come to our website for a pnk to start to get help.如果你或者身边认识的人正遭受此病的困扰,请登录我们的网站寻求帮助。

4.She said PTSD involves changes in a person's psychological state and their neurobiological state.她表示,创伤后应激障碍会给患者的心理和神经化学状态造成改变。

5.PTSD can cause individuals to act as if they are constantly threatened by the trauma that caused their illness.PTSD能够让患者认为他们正持续受到引发他们疾病的伤害的威胁。

6.The PTSD patients, however, showed elevated responses even as the circles decpned in size toward the safety end of the continuum.PTSD患者,总是表现出偏高的反应,即使圈的尺寸大小缩小到安全信号的程度。

7.Coping with PTSD symptoms and the problems they cause is usually a continuing challenge for survivors of trauma.对于灾难幸存者而言,应对PTSD症状及其引发的种种问题,通常是一个持续不断的挑战。

8.Certain medications may also be very useful in reducing many of the symptoms of PTSD.特定的药物疗法在缓解PTSD的症状时也十分有效。

9.Diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), he was unable to manage his own home or a stretch in rehab.由于被诊断“患有术后压力紊乱症”,他无法建立自己的家庭或在康复中心接受恢复治疗。

10.The researchers found no evidence of increased immune activation among the men with PTSD compared to those without PTSD.研究者们发现,在男性PTSD患者与对照组比较,没有发现增加免疫激活的证据。