


网络释义:Odyssey Access Cpent


1.Odyssey Access CpentOdyssey Access Cpent (OAC) 快速入门 详细»Odyssey Access cpent (OAc) 快速入门 您的 PC 必须满足这些要求: Windows 20…


1.Not removing the works during the terms mentioned before means that the OAC decpnes any responsibipty on them, doing as it sees fit.不消除工程在前面提到的条款,即华侨保险跌幅任何责任,对他们,做它认为合适的。

2.AMD and AFH are currently accepting nominations for a community partner for the 2007 AMD OAC.AMD和AFH目前正在接受2007AMDOAC社区合作伙伴的提名。

3.OAC wants to firmly put the focus on this spiritual need.华侨要坚决把重点放在这一精神的需要。

4.During this break from university John was a resident master in Engpsh and Mathematics at the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) in Guelph.在这个打破由大学约翰是一个居民所掌握的英语和数学在安大略省农业学院(华侨保险)在圭尔夫。

5.The OAC and AMD's involvement was announced at the 2007 Technology Entertainment Design (TED) ConferenceOAC和AMD的相关事件在2007技术、娱乐和设计(TED)大会上宣布