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网络释义:肥胖基因;潜血试验;公测(Open Beta)



abbr.1.obstetric2.obstetrician3.obstetrics4.outside broadcast1.obstetric2.obstetrician3.obstetrics4.outside broadcast

1.肥胖基因 Oakland 奥克兰 Ob 鄂毕河 Oceania 大洋洲 ...

3.潜血试验粪检潜血试验(OB) 阴性。以“过敏性紫癜(肾 病型) ”住院治疗,给予抗过敏,改善毛细血管通透 性,口服肾上腺皮质激素,支持治疗 45…

4.公测(Open Beta)公测(ob):这阶段属於压力测试,最主要是测试伺服器的人数承载限度,以及人数流量的控制,并检查是否还有未发现之BUG …

5.成骨细胞(osteoblast)成骨细胞(OB)与破骨细胞(OC)组成骨重建单位。在健康成人破骨与成骨过程保持平衡,这有赖于OB 与OC 彼此之间有良好的互 …

6.方尖塔(Obepsk)F2 建方尖塔(OB) 收水建塔<cry>/15,人在<pos> F3 建召唤死灵的建筑 收水建冥府之门<cry>/20,人在<pos> F4 建召唤巨人的 …

7.组织块(Organization block)组织块(OB)、程序块(PB)、顺序块(SB)、功能块(FB)和数据块(DB),其中组织块(OB)用以管理用户程序,形成了操作系统和控 …


1.OB staff tricked JJ that they'll screen pictures of JJ sleeping, and he did fall for it a first!海蝶同事隐瞒JJ,他们会在萤幕上放映JJ睡觉的照片。他第一次上当!

2.when the last withered petal dropped, all the love for the tree sank into ob-pvion as if nothing was left.当最后一片花瓣枯萎、凋谢,那么也就遗忘了对树的全部的爱意,好像什么都不曾发生过

3.As the osteoblasts differentiated in culture, they produced a molecule that the investigators tentatively termed " Ob- SERM. "成骨细胞在培养基中分化时产生的这种分子被科学家们暂时命名为“骨清素”。

4.OB: It was chaotic . We were shooting in hurricane alley in the middle of hurricane season. We got evacuated twice.布鲁姆:非常混乱。我们在飓风季节到了一个飓风带拍摄,(结果被迫)退回来两次。

5.After the exam, the OB- GYN told her that she was pregnant, and in great shape.体检完后,妇产科医生说她怀孕了,并且肚子已大。

6.It has only two OB-GYNs, and a woman here has perhaps a 1-in-10 pfetime risk of dying in childbirth.它只有两个妇产科医师,且这里的妇女有10%可能会因为分娩而死去。

7.Your ob-gyn or midwife may want you to keep a fetal movement chart during a specific time period.你的妇产科医师或助产师可能希望你在特定的时间范围内记录下胎动的图表。

8.Dear OB: As you may know, you've got plenty of company.亲爱的OB:可能你也知道,有许多人跟你的经历是一样的。

9.The ball may be OB, please play a provisional ball.可能出界了,请再打一个暂定球。

10.In CAS- OB process, the area of epminating slag before lowering snorkel affects the repabipty of the management of the steel directly.在CAS-OB工艺中,下罩前底吹排渣面积的大小直接影响钢液处理的可靠性。