



美式发音: [oʊˈbeɪ] 英式发音: [əˈbeɪ]



第三人称单数:obeys  现在分词:obeying  过去式:obeyed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.obey law,obey order,obey command,obey spirit


v.do as you are told,submit,follow,comply with,act upon



v.1.to do what a law or a person says that you must do2.to behave in an expected way in relation to something3.to do what is expected or is usual

1.服从 ... (玩) playing played played (服从) obeying obeyed obeyed ...

2.顺从某事物,你对上帝敢相信,这是一个谦卑的表示;第二个谦卑是顺服Obeying),做错时,愿意认错,承担后果;再来是要真心到 …


1."Shut your eyes and hold out your arms, " she ordered, and Laurie, obeying, opened his eyes again, to see --- two babies!“闭上眼睛把胳臂伸出来”,她命令道,劳里遵命照办,再睁开眼睛时,他看见了——两个婴儿!

2.TCM seems to be obeying the old medical mantra of doing no harm to its patients' health.传统中药似乎遵循着古老的医疗准则:不损害病人健康。

3.He said: "Sat-navs are a great tool but they are not an alternative for keeping your wits about you and obeying the rules of the road. "他说:「卫星导航系统是很棒的工具,但它们不是让你临危不乱,以及遵守道路交通规则的代替品。」

4.While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair.他一边挥着手,喃喃地说他根本说不上干了些什么,一边听从了她的吩咐,预备在椅子上坐下来。

5.President Obama said the goal is to keep the American people safe, while obeying the rule of law and holding fast to moral values.奥巴马指出,这样做的目的是保证美国人民的安全,同时遵守法律规定,坚守道德价值观。

6.After all, it is the parents looking out for the children who are obeying out of love.毕竟,父母试图得到孩子,孩子因为爱而服从。

7.Instead of obeying , Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under back of his head and simled.杰姆并没有照她的话去做,却倒在小榻上,头枕着双手,微笑着。

8.He did not reapze that she was obeying his orders exactly, although it was breaking her heart.他没有意识到她在完完全全地服从他的命令,尽管这叫她伤心欲碎。

9.Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled.吉姆非旦不按她的吩咐行事,反而倒在睡椅上,两手枕在头下,微微发笑。

10.There was not before nor after so long a day, the Lord obeying the voice of a man, and fighting for Israel.以前或以后,从来没有一天像这天一样。上主这样俯听了人的呼声,因为是上主在为以色列人作战。