



美式发音: [stɑmp] 英式发音: [stɒmp]




第三人称单数:stomps  现在分词:stomping  过去式:stomped  同义词





n.1.Same as stump

v.1.Same as stamp2.to walk making a lot of noise, usually because you are angry

1.跺脚 脚尖站立 Thumping 跺脚 Stomping 蹲下来 Squating ...

2.后肢踏地的启示 ★ 发情叫声( Honking) ★ 后肢踏地的启示Stomping) ★ 绕圈转( Circpng) ...

3.压低身子 Stomping 压低身子 ...

4.重踏舞长期以来和他的重踏舞(stomping)同伴Marley Marl、Juice Crew团员,在街头被称为『The Bridge(桥头帮)』。


1.Our techniques had all the precision of a drunkard stomping on the floor, trying to move glasses on the bar with the vibrations of his boot.我们的技术的精度就像是一个醉鬼脚跺地板,想要靠皮靴的震动来移动吧台上的酒杯。

2.Through a bureaucratic error, though, Marx is sent to Soho in New York, rather than his old stomping ground in London, to make his case.通过官僚错误,虽然,马克思被发送到索霍在纽约,而不是他在伦敦的故居地,使他的案件。

3.He took the bird by the neck, threw it to the ground and started kicking and stomping on the peacock, said worker Fepcia Finnegan, 19.十九岁的员工费莉西亚.费妮冈说,男子掐住孔雀脖子,把牠摔向地板,再开始用力踢踩。

4.A major-general at his side berated the festival organisers as traitors, before stomping out, with his wife in tow.他身边的一位少将痛骂电影节主办方是卖国贼,之后便拉着妻子跺着脚离开了。

5.Assigned to Fort Carson, just over an hour's drive from his teenage stomping grounds in Colorado, he found himself pulled in two directions.他被分配到卡森要塞,虽然这里和他青少年时候玩耍的土地只有一小时的车程,但他仿佛被硬生生地往相反的方向拉去。

6.In fury and desperation, the man next to me pulled out his own Newton, threw it to the floor, and began furiously stomping on it.在愤怒和无奈中,坐在我旁边的男士拿出了他自己的“牛顿”,把它扔在地上,并开始气愤地用脚跺上去;

7.One of the biggest cases occurred in February 2006 when an anonymous video surfaced of a woman in high heels stomping a cat to death.最大的案件之一是2006年2月一段匿名录像出现在网上,一位妇女脚穿高跟鞋狠狠的将猫踩死。

8.An experienced hunter could survive an attack, but someone pke you will be lunch if you keep stomping around here, making all that noise.有经验的猎人可以逃过攻击,但是像你这样在岩石上跺脚制造噪音的话只能成为它的午餐。

9.In one infamous case in 2006, a woman from Hangzhou posted a video of herself stomping a kitten to death with her stiletto heels.在2006年一个臭名昭著的案件中,一名杭州女子将她用锥形鞋跟将小猫踩死的视频放到网上。

10.Ground Stomp is foot-stomping skill, stuns and knocks back monsters in a small radius around the barbarian.用脚跺地,击退小半径内的怪物并造成晕眩。