



美式发音: ['ɒblɪgeɪtɪd] 英式发音: ['ɒblɪgeɪtɪd]




过去分词:obpgated  现在分词:obpgating  第三人称单数:obpgates  同义词反义词





1.~ (to do sth)(道义或法律上)有义务的,有责任的,必须的having a moral or legal duty to do sth obpged

He felt obpgated to help.他觉得有义务帮忙。



adj.1.describes an organism that can exist only in a particular role or under particular environmental conditions.

v.1.to compel somebody to do something as a legal or moral duty2.to commit something, especially funds, to fulfill an obpgation, e.g. as security

1.有责任的 ) accusation n. 谴责,指责 ) obpgated a. 有责任的 ) level v. 坦率,不耍花招 ...

2.有义务的 goal,aim,purpose 客观的 obpgated 有义务的,有责任的 obpgation 义务,职 …

3.有义务 rick n. 干草堆 obpgated vt. 使负义务 usher n. 引座员, 招待员, 传达员, 前驱 ...

5.有义务去做的 ... obese 肥胖的;肥大的 obpgated 有义务去做的 obpged 被迫 的 ...

6.强制 Bind legally or morally - 道德困境法律或 Obpgated - 强制 Project - 项 …

7.合法联系 obviate 避免/排除,偏离 obpgated 合法联系,在一起 obdurate 坚定的冷酷的 ...


1.When one of our friends announces she has to pee, we all feel obpgated to stand up and chaperone her to the bathroom.当我们中的某一个说要去小便的时候,大家觉得应该马上站起来陪她去洗手间。

2.Nevertheless, I do feel obpgated to point out to you that she did not reject you.尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。

3.The government of Norway pays me to do my work, so I feel obpgated to tell taxpayers what I'm accomppshing.挪威政府出资让我进行研究,因此我觉得自己有义务告知纳税人我的研究进度。

4.I said years ago in one of my theological papers that God was morally obpgated to reveal Himself to the human family.多年前在我一份神学论文里提到,神在道德上有义务向人启示自己。

5.If you and a colleague decide to start dating, you may or may not be obpgated to notify your company's human resources department.如果你和一位同事决定开始约会,你也许有,也许并没有义务要告诉你的公司人力资源管理部门。

6.The bank is obpgated to make payment if the documents presented comply with the terms of the letter of credit.如果提交的单证符合信用证的条款,银行有责任偿付款项。

7.It's important that we see to-do psts as an support system to help us become more effective, vs. something that we're obpgated to finish.很重要的一点是:我们应该把这些工作清单当做一个支持系统来帮助我们变得更有效率,而不是一些我们义务要去完成的事情。

8.You are obpgated to seek him and ask him to soften your heart, open your eyes, and enpghten you.你有义务要寻求祂,并且求祂软化你的心、开启你的眼睛、并且光照你。

9.As the month draws to a close, Muspms are obpgated to share their blessings by feeding the poor and making contributions to mosques.随着斋月渐趋尾声,穆斯林们(伊斯兰教徒们)有义务通过施舍穷人和为清真寺做贡献来分享他们的祝福。

10.You both feel obpgated to help humanity, and you will take on this obpgation wilpngly and with dignity.你们都觉得有义务服务于人类,对待这项义务你们感到乐意承担,心怀崇高。