




1.安托士 ... 克拉克广场( Clark Ad… 安得斯税务局( Andras… 布达佩斯迷宫( Budapest Labyrinth (Budavan Labirintu…

6.安德拉丝 Amosis Ⅰ 阿摩西斯一世 Andras安德烈二世 Antigonus Ⅰ 安提柯一世 ...


1.Andras Simor, the bank's governor, has survived repeated calls from Fidesz for his resignation (as well as a large salary cut).银行的管理者AndrasSimor免于多次来自于青年民主联盟要求其辞职(同时削减大量薪水)的电话。

2.A party spokesman, Andras Kiraly, resigned after pictures of him at a Gay Pride parade in Toronto appeared on the internet.该党发言人基拉利安德拉斯在被网络曝光了其在多伦多参加同志游行的图片后辞职。

3.Mr Orban is trying to oust the governor of the National Bank of Hungary, Andras Simor.奥班先生现在正在努力将匈牙利国家银行的行长安得拉斯•塞莫尔赶走。

4.A tense rage and hatred formed around Andras's eyes and darkened his face.而安德斯阴沉着脸,眼里充满了愤怒与仇恨。

5.Liverpool have today confirmed Hungarian duo Krisztian Nemeth and Andras Simon will spend the 2009-10 season out on loan.今天利物浦已经证实匈牙利小将内梅特以及西蒙将会在09-10赛季租借到其他球队。

6.On the stairs, up came Andras. Hans whistled with provocative expression when he passed by Andras.在楼梯上,他遇到了正上楼的安德斯,当他们擦肩而过时,汉斯挑衅性的吹着口哨。

7.Mr Orban wants to fire the central bank chief, Andras Simor, or at least cut his salary (an admittedly generous $425, 000).奥尔班想解除央行主席AndrasSimor的职务,或者至少扣掉他的薪水(合情合理的425000美元)。

8.Mr Orban has picked unnecessary fights, pubpcly demanding the sacking of the well-regarded and hawkish central-bank chief, Andras Simor.欧尔班卷入了一场没必要的争斗:他公开要求解雇德高望重的鹰派中央银行主席,安德拉斯·希莫尔。

9.Hungarian striker Andras Simon also netted a second half equapser.匈牙利前锋西蒙下半场同样有所斩获。

10.Andras Szakal from IBM announced the release of O-TTPF on The Open Group Blog.IBM公司的AndrasSzakal在开放组织的博客上宣布了O-TTPF的发布。