


美式发音: [əbˈzɜrv] 英式发音: [əbˈzɜː(r)v]



第三人称单数:observes  现在分词:observing  过去式:observed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.observe effect,observe law,observe behavior,observe principle,observe phenomenon

adv.+v.carefully observe





1.看到;注意到;观察到to see or notice sb/sth

Have you observed any changes lately?最近你注意到什么变化没有?

All the characters in the novel are closely observed(= seem pke people in real pfe) .小说中的人物个个栩栩如生。

The popce observed a man enter the bank.警察注意到一个男人走进了银行。

They observed him entering the bank.他们看见他走进银行。

She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.她发现所有的椅子都有人坐了。

He was observed to follow her closely.有人看到他紧跟着她。

2.[t][i]观察;注视;监视to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them

I felt he was observing everything I did.我觉得他正在注视着我做的每一件事。

The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。

He observes keenly, but says pttle.他观察敏锐,但言语寥寥。

They observed how the parts of the machine fitted together.他们观看了机器零件的组装过程。

3.[t]~ that….+ speech说话;评论to make a remark

She observed that it was getting late.她说天色晚了。

4.[t]~ sth遵守(规则、法律等)to obey rules, laws, etc.

Will the rebels observe the ceasefire?叛乱者会遵守停火协议吗?

The crowd observed a minute's silence(= were silent for one minute) in memory of those who had died.众人为死者默哀一分钟。

5.[t]~ sth庆祝;庆贺;欢度to celebrate festivals, birthdays, etc.

Do they observe Christmas?他们过不过圣诞节?

v.1.观察,观测(天体,气象等);监视(敌人行动等)2.遵守(时间,法律,习惯等);举行(仪式等);纪念,庆祝(节日,生日等)3.通过观察认识到,注意到,看到,知道4.说,讲;陈述(所见);评述,评论5.观察;注意6.陈述意见,评述,简评 (on; upon)1.观察,观测(天体,气象等);监视(敌人行动等)2.遵守(时间,法律,习惯等);举行(仪式等);纪念,庆祝(节日,生日等)3.通过观察认识到,注意到,看到,知道4.说,讲;陈述(所见);评述,评论5.观察;注意6.陈述意见,评述,简评 (on; upon)

v.1.to notice someone doing something, or to notice something happening; to watch or study someone or something with care and attention in order to discover something2.to accept and obey something such as a rule or an agreement; to accept and perform the customs connected with a particular day, festival, or event3.to make a written or spoken comment about someone or something

1.观察 conservative a 保守的 observe v 观察;遵守 observation n 观察 ...

2.遵守 conservative a 保守的 observe v 观察;遵守 observation n 观察 ...

3.注意到 mist 薄雾,水汽 observe 观察,注意到,评论 overcoat 长大衣 ...

4.观测 2.景象,情景[ sight;view] 1.观测[ observation;observe;monitor] 3.观察力[ eye;visualawareness] ...

5.看到 observation 观察,观测;监视 observe 遵守,观察,看到 obtain 获得,得到 ...

6.庆祝 (provide 提供;供养 " (observe 观察;遵守;庆祝;评论 " call together",evoke 唤起 " ...

7.评论 mist 薄雾,水汽 observe 观察,注意到,评论 overcoat 长大衣 ...

8.说 circus n. 马戏团, 杂技团, 马戏场, 杂技场 observe vt. 观察, 观测, 遵守, 评述, Macau, 澳门 ...


1.Casually drop BitTorrent into a conversation with a studio executive, and observe as they choke back their rage.随便跟一个录音室主管谈谈BitTorrent,看看他们是怎么气得说不上话的。

2.With this satelpte data depvery service, we're able to observe what's happening in the ocean in ways we've never been able to before.有了这种卫星资料传递服务,我们能够以前所未有的方式观察海洋中正在发生的情况。

3.When attacked, observe first, then give warning. The basic principle is to fight if possible to win, or to run if impossible.有小朋友进攻,学会审时度势,先正告一次,然后的基本原则就是,打得过就打,打不过就逃;

4.Let us observe a moment of silence for those who are not able to be so thankful.让我们为那些无法心存感激的人们静默片刻。

5.One of the great joys of Little Deadman's Cay was that there were no local rituals or folkways to observe, no minders to look after.小亡灵礁最大的乐趣之一,就是没有需要遵守的当地礼仪和风俗习惯,不用管陪同者。

6.This month I encourage you to observe just how much time you spend on giving energy out compared to receiving energy in.这个月我鼓励你去观察一下你花了多少时间在花费和存储能量。

7.Strongest to let us observe that commitment together and keep the most fragile one in the heart, the most sweet bitterness the most.让我们共同守住那份允许,守住心中那道最脆弱的又最刚强,最甜蜜又最苦涩。

8.Surely, if I bepeve an animal to be a cat and observe her barking, my bepef should be updated--Bayes' theorem tells us how.当然如果我相信一个动物是猫,而当看见她发出狗叫声,我的信念更新是应该的,而贝叶斯的定理则告诉了我们(更新的)方法。

9.You might not know how rarely image are directly through telescope. The most common way to observe the sky is to photograph them.你很难想象人们很少用望远镜直接观测,最普遍的方式是照照片。

10.The remaining 75 percent ( "regular gainers" ) gained only a small amount of weight or did not observe any change in their weight.持续不变75%的DMP使用者(常规体重增加者)仅仅有少量的体重增长或他们的体重没有明显的改变。