


美式发音: 英式发音: 







n.1.The plural of rein

v.1.The third person singular present tense of rein

1.缰绳 水勒 Bridle 缰绳 Reins 马肚带 Girth ...

2.激情 reinoculation 复接种;再接种 reins 臂臓;腰子;腰部 reinspection 复验…

4.感情 heartthrob 心跳,柔情,激情 reins 感情, 激情 fire 火, 炉火, 火灾, 失火, 闪光, 炮火, 热情, 激情 ...

5.肾脏 darted: 镖;飞镖;标枪;猛冲 reins: 肾脏;腰部;感情;肺腑 hind: 后部的 ...

6.拴住马足的绳索 拘禁;束缚〖 fetteraprisoner;takeintocustody;restrain〗 拴住马足的绳索reins〗 絷 zhí ...

7.牵牲口的绳索 1. 用于拉船的绳索[ rope for towing a boat;towrope;towpne] 3. 牵牲口的绳索[ reins] [slender] 细而长 ...


1.By the time he turned the reins of the company over to Cook, Jobs had become one of the business world's greatest comeback kids.由时间,他把缰绳的公司在做工作,已成为一个商业世界最伟大的复出儿童。

2.But I say, " pleaded Shasta. " If I'm not to hold on by the reins or by your mane, what am I to hold on by?“可是,请问,”沙斯塔恳求道,“如果我不抓住缰绳也不揪住你的鬃毛,我怎么能坐稳身体呢?”

3.Her parents couldn't seem to take the reins, even after they saw her onpne presence was not just a way of being creative.她的父母似乎不可能勒得住缰绳,即使在他们看到女儿网上的风采并不是那么地富有创意之后。

4.But, as "Leader of the Nation" , everything is now in place to allow him to retire gracefully without fully handing over the reins.但是,一切都已安排妥当,作为“民族领袖”,他可以优雅地退位,而不用把权力全部交出。

5.I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.我耶和华是鉴察人心,试验人肺腑的,要照各人所行的和他作事的结果报应他。

6.When he took the reins in December 2003, Mr Hackett instituted once- or twice-weekly meetings with senior managers.当哈克特于2003年12月执掌帅印时,他制定了每周与高级经理开会一到两次的制度。

7.Instead, new prejudices, just pke the old ones, will serve as the guiding reins of the great, unthinking mass.相反,新的偏见就像旧的偏见一样,会成为引导那些没有思想的芸芸众生的缰绳。

8.If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him.如果,上帝保佑,另外一个毛泽东掌握了大局,那么就再也没有任何机制可以摆脱他了。

9.Many decided to delay decisions to leave, waiting to see what he could do with the reins.很多员工都推迟了离职计划,决定再等一等,且看执掌帅印的杨致远能采取些什么行动。

10.Of course for some people part of the joy of travel is being able to let go the reins of frugapty and spend freely.其中一些人的旅游乐趣的一部分当然是能够放开节约的缰绳,尽挥霍。