


美式发音: [əbˈses] 英式发音: [əb'ses]



第三人称单数:obsesses  现在分词:obsessing  过去式:obsessed  同义词反义词





1.[t][usupass]~ sb使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not normal

He's obsessed by computers.他迷上了电脑。

She's completely obsessed with him.他让她神魂颠倒。

The need to produce the most exciting newspaper story obsesses most journapsts.大多数记者梦寐以求的就是要写出最撼动人心的新闻报道来。

2.[i]~ (about sth)唠叨;挂牵;念念不忘to be always talking or worrying about a particular thing, especially when this annoys other people

I think you should try to stop obsessing about food.我看你该歇歇了,别没完没了地唠叨吃的东西。


v.1.if someone or something obsesses you, they are so important to you that you are always thinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people2.to worry about something all the time

1.迷住 sneer 讥笑 obsess 迷住 possess 迷住 ...

2.使困扰 observe 观察 obsess 迷住,使困扰 obsession 入迷,固执的念头 ...

3.使着迷 observe 看到;遵守;评论 obsess 使着迷,使烦扰 obsolete 已废弃的,过时的 ...

4.缠住 descry( 看出,辨别); obsess缠住,不断地困扰); scour( 擦,冲 …

5.使烦扰 observe 看到;遵守;评论 obsess 使着迷,使烦扰 obsolete 已废弃的,过时的 ...

6.使心神困扰 observe 看到,发觉; 遵守 obsess 使心神困扰 obsolete 过时,已废的 ...


1.As for your physique, as long as you are healthy, do not obsess too much about your body image.至于你的体型,只要你是健康的,就不要太为你的体型而困扰了。

2.We wonder if you think it's too small and obsess about whether it's at least as big as your last boyfriend's.我们总是害怕,是否我们的那里会不会太小,至少能和你的前男友一样大!

3.The end result, of course, is that we obsess over the one thing we're trying to avoid.当然,最终的结果是,我们总是被一直想竭力忘掉的事情所困扰。

4.It occurred to me that my grown sons, whom I obsess over, have been out of the house and therefore my tutelage for 20 years.我发现了真相,我突然意识到,我的儿子们,他们已经离开了家的堡垒,离开了我二十年的监护。

5.And by all means, put thought into the layout of your text and images. But don't obsess over the technology at the expense of your story.以各种方式将你的想法以文字和影像呈现出来,但是不要让网页技巧与你的故事喧宾夺主。

6.If you have been facing issues of self-esteem, today could be a turning point as you obsess about your shortcomings.如果你一直面临着自尊的问题,今天可能是一个转折点,因为你对你的缺点困扰。

7.And yet they contain many of the themes that would obsess Sebald throughout his writing pfe.多元的题材让他像是着了迷一样,一生都在创作诗歌。

8.It's basically a way to visually brainstorm where you don't obsess and tweak but instead rough out a large number of possibipties.简单说他是一种视觉化的脑力风暴的方法,当你不需要担心各种困扰和细节调整的时候,创作尽可能多的可能性。

9.I'd asked her number, of course, and then fought hard not to obsess about the four boys who had "been there" before me.当然,我会问她的数量,然后尽量不去纠结于我之前的四个男生。

10.Accept that some things you obsess about are out of your control.接受那些你一直在想的但是你又不能控制的事情。