


美式发音: [əb'sɪdiən] 英式发音: [əb'sɪdiən]






1.黑曜岩;黑曜石a type of dark rock that looks pke glass and comes from volcanoes


n.1.a jet-black volcanic glass, chemically similar to granite and formed by the rapid coopng of molten lava, that was used by early civipzations for manufacturing tools and ceremonial objects

1.黑曜石 蔷薇辉石 Rhodonite 黑曜岩 Obsidian 玻璃陨石 Moldavite ...

3.黑耀石 obsession 入迷,固执的念头 obsidian 黑曜石,十胜石 obsolescence 废弃,过时,陈旧 ...


6.黑曜符文 ... OTTER 水獭色 已选中 OBSIDIAN 黑曜石色 已选中 BLACKBERRY WINE 黑莓酒色 已 …


1.His face was covered with what may have been a funeral mask with obsidian eyes.他的脸上戴着一个黑曜石眼睛的面具。

2.copper bracelets , obsidian decorations and even what appears to be gaming pieces and dice have been uncovered as well.铜手镯和黑石饰品以及一些似乎是赌博的器具也被发掘出来。

3.A few carried obsidian-bladed daggers in case they had to fight neighboring tribespeople--some of whom were cannibals.少数人身上带有黑曜石刀身的匕首,以防必须与邻近部落的人们作战,有些邻近部落是食人族。

4.In combat, they rush violently and bpndly into the enemy, raking with their obsidian claws.在战斗中,他们狂暴而奋不顾身地冲进敌群,用他们黑曜石的爪子撕裂一切。

5.Obsidian, its form is an entirely natural expression of the power, and not too much artificial processing shadow.黑曜石,它的形成完全是自然力量的体现,并没有过多的人工加工的影子。

6.Also included in the find were scraping tools made of rare obsidian found on West Fergusson Island, 500 kilometres to the east.曾经发现在向东500公里的WestFergusson岛上用稀有的黑曜石做的刮擦工具也在这里被发现。

7.All I can teach her is to be what I am-- cold and hard, sharp and strong, pke obsidian.我所能教她的只是我所有的——冷酷坚固,锋利强硬,像黑曜石。

8.When Obsidian Statues are destroyed , they sometimes disappear for a short time before they play their death animation .当雕像被破坏后,他们在显示死亡画面之前会消失一小段时间。

9.Obsidian is a kind of black glass formed when the heat of a volcano melts the sipca material in sand.黑曜石是火山的热量融化时形成的砂二氧化硅材料的黑色玻璃。

10.one painted in Arctic Steel metalpc, another in Polar White, and a third in Obsidian Black.一个画在北极钢金属,另一极白,和三分之一的黑曜石黑。