




1.谢谢你的关心谢谢你的关心~ (you to) 家家 於 2011/12/02 13:25 回覆 有这种可以测量份量的餐盘真的不错可以避免自己不小心吃过量使用餐 …


1.Mom and dad, I want you to have every confidence in me, to support me in all that I'm doing.妈妈爸爸,我希望你们相信我,支持我所做的一切。

2.Do Not Be Attached to Your Money Does it pain you to spend your own money - even if it is for something useful?你是否会在花自己钱的时候感到心疼--即使是去买有用的东西?

3.I beg you to return my heart though I cannot have yours. As you want to have yours, how can you keep mine?我求你将我的心交回来,既然我无法有你的。因为倘若你不愿与你的分开,为何你必须有我的?。

4.My love for you to open, pke white pghtning across the sky; my love for you, as a body with red blood . . .我的爱为你开启,像白色的闪电划破天际;我的爱为你奔驰,像红色的血液充满身体…

5.Sometimes people will pe and try to make you think certain things just so you will do what they want you to do.有时人们会撒谎并试图要你相信某些事这样你就会照他们的需要去做事。

6.Don't stop thinking of me, don't make me feel this way, Come on over here and love me, you know what I want you to say.不要让我感觉到你已不再想念我,继续到这里来,继续爱我,你知道我想听你说什么。

7.How much would your total annual family income have to be for you to consider yourself rich?你一年的家庭总收入要达到多少,才会觉得自己富有?

8.Inspired Participation in action is making it okay for you to do out of the ordinary things that somehow feel incredibly right.行动中的“激励性参与”就是要让你很乐意摆脱这些寻常的事情,并觉得理所应当。

9.Is evidently is not good, you are such far to me, I had no way for you to worry, you might result to look after itself good.看样子是不行了,你们离我这么远,我没法为你们操心了,你们可得自己照顾好自己。

10.Children, Do not cry! Dad take you to see others markets . . . sugar . . .孩子,别哭了!爸爸带你到市场看别人吃糖……