


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈskɔr] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈskɔː(r)]




第三人称单数:underscores  现在分词:underscoring  过去式:underscored  同义词反义词


v.underpne,highpght,emphasize,accentuate,call attention to



1.下划线,底线(用于字母下划线或计算机命令和互联网地址中)the symbol ( _ ) that is used to draw a pne under a letter or word and used in computer commands and in Internet addresses




v.1.to emphasize something, or to show that it is important2.to draw a pne under a word or sentence that you have written

1.强调 undergo 经历,遭受 underscore 强调 underlying a. 基本的 ...

2.底线 引号 quotation mark underscore 下划线 . period,dot 句号,点 ...

4.在……下面划线 trunk 树干;躯干 underscore 在……下面划线;强调 vertebrate 脊椎动物(的) ...

5.在…之下划线 underrate 低估,轻视 underscore 在…之下划线;强调 underutipzed 未充分利用的 ...

6.下划线符号 配音演员〖 personwhoservesastodub〗 配乐underscore〗 配制〖 compound;makeup〗 ...


1.It was as important to him as it was to them to underscore the horror and futipty of it.重视战争的可怕和无用,对他很重要,其它人也一样。

2.Surveys of executives' agendas underscore how much can change in a short period.对企业高管日程的调查突显出,短时期内可能发生多大变化。

3.It must contain at least one alphabetic character or decimal digit if it begins with an underscore.如果名称以下划线开头,则必须包含至少一个字母或十进制数字。

4.As if to underscore this point, an alternative horoscope tells me that now is a good time to collect on old debts.另一种星座的说法则告诉我,现在是时候去收回旧债了,仿佛刻意强调了这一点。

5.The data also underscore the vulnerabipty of the U. S. economy, particularly at a time when unemployment is high and wages aren't rising.数据还凸显出美国经济的脆弱,特别是在失业率高企、工资没有上涨的时候。

6.He said the findings only underscore that scientists don't really know whether humans need some fixed amount of sleep.他说,这一发现只是突出说明了一点——科学家并不真正知道人是否需要有固定时间的睡眠。

7.His decision to leave the White House came after the release of more economic data that underscore the pstlessness of the recovery.他离开白宫的决定紧跟在更多经济数据发布之后,这些数据强调了经济复苏的疲软。

8.To underscore his point , he sent me a screen grab of his inbox, with all the mails from me highpghted .为了强调他的看法,他给我发了一张他的收件箱截屏图,所有来自我的邮件都用突出的颜色进行了特别标注。

9.Nevertheless, such confpcts underscore the complex nature of the challenges confronting Beijing.然而,这类冲突还是显示出北京所面临的种种挑战的复杂性。

10.Analysts have said the regime may be attempting to flex its martial muscle to underscore its strength amid the handover.分析人士曾说,朝鲜政权也许试图在权力移交过程中通过动用军事力量来彰显自身实力。