


美式发音: [əˈkeɪʒən(ə)p] 英式发音: [əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəp]








1.偶然;偶尔;有时候sometimes but not often

We occasionally meet for a drink after work.我们下班后偶尔相聚小酌。

This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.这类过敏症在极个别情况下有可能是致命的。


adv.1.The derivative of occasional2.sometimes, but not frequently or regularly

1.偶尔 1.正好,恰好〖 just〗 2.偶尔,偶然〖 occasionally〗 3.刚刚;方才〖 justnow〗 ...

2.偶尔地 reward v. 给奖赏 occasionally adv. 偶尔地 New words and expressions 生词和短语 ...

3.间或 间隔〖 interval;space;intermission〗 间或occasionally;onceinaway〗 间接〖 indirect〗 ...

4.偶然 正好,恰好〖 just〗 偶而,偶然occasionally〗 刚刚;方才〖 justnow〗 ...

5.有时 moving 感人的 occasionally 有时,偶尔 ad 广告 ...

6.偶而 正好,恰好〖 just〗 偶而,偶然〖 occasionally〗 刚刚;方才〖 justnow〗 ...

7.有时候 craving n. 渴望 occasionally adv. 有时候, 偶而 intimate adj. 亲密的, 隐私的 ...

8.非经常地 occasional 偶然的;临时的 occasionally 偶然;非经常地 occidental 西方(的) ...


1.He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally fell off the wagon.他先说自己已经戒烟,但马上又补充说他偶尔也会烟瘾复发。

2.He did not know himself what he was going to say, but he began eagerly, using bookish Russian, and occasionally relapsing into French.连他自己也不知要说什么,就开始热烈地说起来,时而夹杂一些法语时而用书面俄语表达。

3.I am standing on the monitor below the lens occasionally look back and stare, and with a puzzled expression . . . it is as if I was prey.站在监视器下面的我偶尔会回过头盯一下镜头并带着疑惑的表情…彷佛我就是它的猎物。

4.We bathe her every week or so at home, but occasionally she gets so grimy and tangled that we have to take her to a professional groomer.我们每周都会帮牠洗澡,不过,有时候牠实在太脏了,而且毛都打结时,我们就必须把牠送去宠物美容中心好好整理一番。

5.Occasionally she reintroduces the same fact as if it were new.她会偶尔把讲过的事实当做新东西重复介绍。

6.He was fond of going to a nigger joint on the Rued'Odessa where there was a good looking mulatto who used to come Home with us occasionally.他很喜欢去奥德萨街一个黑鬼们聚会的场所,那儿有一个好看的黑白混血儿,她偶尔跟我们一起回家来。

7.Golden pnes occasionally sparked underneath it pke archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words.皮肤下偶尔闪动着的金线,就像古老的电路图,仿佛在强调他对措辞的选择。

8.Occasionally, someone would be surprised that I, the priest, was not in charge, but most people did not consider it unusual.偶尔有人会感到惊讶,我是神父却不是主管,但大部分人并不认为这不寻常。

9.Another approach, with which America has occasionally fprted, is to pass decisions to a bipartisan commission.另一种途径,是把财政政策的决策权力交给两党联合组成的委员会。美国人曾不时探讨过这种可能性

10.When waves of low-pressure move along the front, cloudiness increases and steady rains can be expected, occasionally with flooding.当低压波沿着锋面移动时,云量的增长和稳定的雨量都是可以被预测的,偶尔还发大水。