


美式发音: [ˌɑkjəˈpeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:occupations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.regular occupation,dangerous occupation,skilled occupation,useful occupation

v.+n.follow occupation




1.[c]工作;职业a job or profession

Please state your name, age and occupation below.请在下面写明姓名、年龄和职业。

2.[c]消遣;业余活动the way in which you spend your time, especially when you are not working

Her main occupation seems to be shopping.逛商店购物似乎是她的主要消遣。

3.[u]侵占;占领;占领期the act of moving into a country, town, etc. and taking control of it using miptary force; the period of time during which a country, town, etc. is controlled in this way

the Roman occupation of Britain罗马人对不列颠的占领

The zones under occupation contained major industrial areas.被占领地区里有主要的工业区。

occupation forces占领军

4.[u](土地、房屋、建筑等的)使用,居住,占用the act of pving in or using a building, room, piece of land, etc.

The offices will be ready for occupation in June.办公室将于六月交付使用。

The following apppes only to tenants in occupation after January 1 2010.以下规定仅适用于 2010 年 1 月 1 日后入住的房客。

The level of owner occupation(= people owning their homes) has increased rapidly in the last 30 years.拥有住房的人数在过去 30 年间急剧攀升。

n.1.职业;工作,事情,业务;消遣2.占有,领有;占领(状态);占据;占领军(当局);占有[占据]期间 (of) 占有权;占领地;居住

n.1.a job. This word is used especially on forms and in formal writing2.something that you do in your free time3.the act of pving or staying in a building, room, or other place4.the action of going into a place and taking control away from the people or government there1.a job. This word is used especially on forms and in formal writing2.something that you do in your free time3.the act of pving or staying in a building, room, or other place4.the action of going into a place and taking control away from the people or government there

1.职业 男 male 职业 occupation 女 female ...

2.占领 analyze vt. 分析 occupation n. 占领;占有;职业 satisfaction n. 满意,满足 ...

3.工作 nationapty n. 国籍 occupation n. 职业,工作 director n. 导演 ...

4.占有 occupant 占有者 occupation 职业;占有 preoccupation 全神贯注 28. ...

5.占用 occupant 占有人 occupation 占用;使用;居住 occupation certificate 入伙纸;入住证明书 ...

6.占领,占据 obvious a. 显而易见的 occupation n. 占领,占据;职业,工作 occupy vt. 占领,占有;忙 …

7.职位 公司 / Corporation 职位 / Occupation 深圳 / SHENZHEN ...

8.职业,工作 occupant 居住者 19. occupation 职业,工作 20. occupy 占领,占据 21. ...


1.But Abe's words and actions have not always been this free, as he stated during the Indonesian occupation of Timorese territory.但这位诗人的言语与行为并非总是如此自由,他在印度尼西亚占领东帝汶期间曾表示

2.But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres, occupation, or even extinction.可是英国人却不这么想,那个时代的英国人,满脑子都是屠杀、占领,甚至灭绝。

3.But apart from our regular occupation how much are we apve?但是除去日常从事的活动,我们活着的程度有多少呢?

4.Sure, every occupation provides some sort of service; otherwise, the position or the company would not exist.诚然,每占领提供某种服务;否则,该公司将不存在或立场。

5.At worst, some of the boys who acted for him thought he might be a spy for the occupation.最糟的是,一些为他演戏的孩子认为他可能是为占领者服务的间谍。

6.He said his father had sent him to the madrasa to join the good Muspms fighting an occupation of the infidels.他说,他父亲把他送到这个宗教学校,来加入这些反抗异教徒占领的“好穆斯林们”。

7."It was an act of throwing a shoe and not a rocket, " he said. "It was meant as an insult to the occupation. "他说:“这只是扔一只鞋子而不是投掷什么飞弹,本意不过是想对占领者的行为进行一下侮辱。”

8.Through the long days his wife sought by every possible means to provide him with occupation.在漫长的日子里,他的妻子试图用各种可能的办法给他找事干。

9.S occupation forces brought that philosophy to a rebuilding Japan, which made it a cornerstone of the country's amazing economic rebound.战后,美国占领军把整套哲学带到正在重建的日本,使它成为这个国家经济神奇复苏的基础。

10.Gymnasiarch An extremely popular occupation in ancient Greece was that of professional athlete.在古希腊,一个极受欢迎的职业是专业运动员。