


美式发音: [ˈedə] 英式发音: [ˈeidə]


网络释义:美国糖尿病协会(American Diabetes Association);腺苷脱氨酶;美国糖尿病学会



n.1.a high-level computer programming language used for miptary and other complex apppcations

abbr.1.American Dental Association2.Americans with Disabipties Act

1.美国糖尿病协会(American Diabetes Association)美国糖尿病协会(ADA)糖尿病诊疗标准(2012)版ADA/EASD联合立场声明——2型糖尿病的高血糖治疗:以患者为中心 CDS2010 …

2.腺苷脱氨酶腺苷脱氨酶是84有临床意义,也就是说支持临床诊断,因为胸水腺苷脱氨酶ADA)大于40U/L多提示结核性。很多疾病都 有 …

3.美国糖尿病学会根据美国糖尿病学会ADA)1998年最新制定的糖尿病诊断标准,确诊糖尿病仍然主要依靠血糖检查。满足以下三个条件之一 …

4.艾达伦佐的遗孀艾达Ada)接受访问时说,「就连今天,我和托尔多一起到坟前。回程路上,有个认识的人告诉我,这只猫一早已 …

5.美国牙医协会(American Dental Association)美国牙医协会ADA),是美国国内专业的牙医组织。成立于1895年,现在注册会员超过157,000人。

6.蔡少芬蔡少芬与老公蔡少芬ada)于本月25日剖腹诞下次女张信儿,昨日精神奕奕的她,在老公张晋陪同下带埋宝宝女出院。生了两 …

7.美国饮食协会(American Dietetic Association)而美国饮食协会ADA)也认为,适当调配的素食有益于健康,有足够的营养,且有益于预防和治疗某些疾病。素食与减少某 …


1.Nobody really understood what it was that he had in mind, except for Ada Lovelace, and he went to his grave trying to pursue that dream.没有人真正明白他脑海里的概念,除了AdaLovelace,而他直到入土前都一直在追寻那个梦想。

2.Ada rushes to a corner as she hears a door open. Leon appears, then the door opens again, Luis this time.当艾妲听见开门声时就马上躲到一处角落。力昂出现,接著门又再度打开,是路易士。

3.They had three children, but Ada's family and social responsibipties did not keep her from continuing her study of advanced mathematics.他们有三个孩子,但艾达的家庭和社会责任并没有阻止她继续研究高等数学。

4."The law! " repeated Ada, as if she were afraid of the name.“法律!”阿达喊道,好象她很害怕这个字眼儿似的。

5.Ada Ida insists on passing remarks: 'Look what a nervous tic that man has. And look how much powder that old woman's put on. '安达一直在发表评论:“看那个男人神经抽搐,看那个老女人抹了多少粉。”

6.A chief of the local Ada Narcotics Unit said the drugs had been mixed into the chocolate which was then said to be shipped to Mexico.当地禁毒科的主要负责人说,这些毒品被混制在巧克力中并意欲运送往墨西哥。

7.The gentleman who said these words in a clear , bright , hospitable voice, had one of his arms round Ada's waist, and the other round mine .那位绅士说这些话的时候,声调清晰,爽朗而热情,他一只胳膊勾着婀达的腰,另一只勾着我的腰。

8.She had a theory one ought to cross breeds a bit, and Ada, though sub-urban, was healthy.她有一套理论,认为血统应该杂一些,而艾达呢,尽管土里土气,却很健康。

9.The American Dental Association (ADA), one of the organizations that had expected a Class II classification, supported the FDA action.美国牙齿学会(ADA),一个期望二级分类组织,支持FDA行动。

10.Ada: So that's why I had to carry a tray. So I could come out to see you.阿达:所以我一直带一个盘子,这样我就可以才能出来见你了。