


美式发音: [ˈɑdp] 英式发音: [ˈɒdp]








1.古怪地;怪异地;反常地in a strange or unusual way

She's been behaving very oddly lately.她最近行为极其反常。

oddly coloured clothes颜色古怪的衣裳

He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing.他异样地望着她,令她局促不安。

2.令人奇怪地;令人惊奇地used to show that sth is surprising

She felt, oddly, that they had been happier when they had no money.她感到奇怪的是,他们没钱时反倒生活得更幸福。

Oddly enough , the most expensive tickets sold fastest.奇怪极了,最贵的票居然卖得最快。


na.1.“oddly enough”的变体

adv.1.in an unusual way that attracts your interest or attention

na.1.The variant of oddly enough

1.奇怪地 gallery n. 美术馆 oddly ad. 奇怪地 ceipng n. 天花板 ...

2.古怪的 ◆exhibit n. 展品,陈列品 ◆oddly adv. 古怪的 ◆attach v. 连,系 ...

3.古怪地 odd 奇数;零头 oddly 古怪地 odds 可能性 ...


5.奇怪的是 ... temple: 庙 oddly: 稀奇的是,奇怪的是 absolutely: 绝对地 ...

6.奇妙地 ... oddly 剩余地 oddly 额外地 oddtime 多年的 ...

8.怪异 ... neutral: 中性 oddly怪异 photo: 拍照 ...


1.Perhaps oddly, financing these fast-growing deficits has not so far been a problem, at least for the major advanced economies.奇怪的是,到目前为止,为飞速增长的赤字融资并未遇到太大麻烦,至少对主要先进经济体来说如此。

2.Oddly enough, it was one that most Americans support: it would have expanded federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research.说也奇怪,这是一项大多数美国人都支持的法案——加大联邦政府对胚胎干细胞研究的资助。

3.I felt as if I had been sat on by someone heavy for a long time and emerged crushed in spirit and, oddly, in body too.我觉得自己仿佛被某个很沉重的家伙压在身下很长时间,精神几近崩溃,而且奇怪的是,身体也近乎崩溃。

4.Oddly enough, he didn't seem to remember the name of his most favorite poet.说也奇怪,他似乎忘了他最喜爱的诗人的名字。

5.In many ways it was more of the same, but without a central character as oddly compelpng and sad as Heath.在很多方面,内容都差不多,但却没有一个像希斯这样特别引人注目的悲情主人公。

6.Oddly enough I had no doubt that he would be glad to see me.说也奇怪,我毫不怀疑他会高兴见我。

7.Overall, the tone of Mr Altman's book is strikingly gloomy about the future, except oddly for that of his own country.总的来说,在本书关于未来的讨论中,奥特曼的基调都是阴沉的。奇怪的是,只有说到他自己的国家时不是如此。

8.Oddly enough, however, shifting out of surplus did not affect growth appreciably in either direction (see chart).但奇怪的是,盈余的减少在各个方面都没有影响经济增长。

9.Oddly enough, it is only recently that this ideology has begun to bear its most important fruit, to manifest its deepest consequences.很奇怪,直到最近,这个意识形态才开始结出它最重要的果实,显现它最深层的结果。

10.At the moment, rather oddly, our model suggests that the renminbi is very close to the price that it should be.目前,我们的模型显示,人民币汇率十分接近其合理水平,这个结果有些怪异。