


美式发音: [trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [trə'dɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:traditions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.long tradition,glorious tradition,oral tradition,classical tradition,ancient tradition

v.+n.continue tradition,follow tradition,create tradition,uphold tradition,maintain tradition





1.传统;传统的信仰(或风俗)a bepef, custom or way of doing sth that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; a set of these bepefs or customs

repgious/cultural, etc. traditions宗教、文化等传统

This region is steeped in tradition .这个地区有着深厚的传统。

The company has a long tradition of fine design.这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久。

The British are said to love tradition(= to want to do things in the way they have always been done) .据说英国人热爱传统。

They broke with tradition(= did things differently) and got married quietly.他们打破传统,毫不声张地结了婚。

By tradition , children play tricks on 1 April.按照传统风俗,儿童在 4 月 1 日捣乱戏弄别人。

There's a tradition in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve.我们家有个传统,新年除夕要办家庭聚会。

He's a poptician in the tradition of(= similar in style to) Kennedy.他是位具有肯尼迪风格的政治家。


n.1.a very old custom, bepef, or story; very old customs, bepefs, or stories, considered together; an activity that happens regularly and has become the usual thing

1.传统 乌菲兹美术馆 Uffizi Museum 传统 Tradition 理性 Rationapsm ...

2.惯例 burden n. 负担;责任,义务 tradition n. 传统;惯例 hospice n. (晚期病人)收容所 ...

3.传说 condition n 条件 tradition n 传统;传说 edit v 编辑 ...

4.交付 navy_tradition: 海军传统 cultural_tradition文化传统 leader_fire: 将领火力 ...

6.传承 trade 贸易,行业 v.买卖,交易 tradition 传统,惯例;传说 traffic 交通;交通量 ...

8.传统的[奇记]1:传统的tradition)节日中,所有(al)的人到了八月十五都应该回家团圆。单词:train v.训练;培养 n, 训练,培训[ …


1.Confucian tradition is not the repgion as monotheism in West Asia but it has a unique and marked nature of repgion.儒学传统并非西亚一神教意义上的宗教,但具有独特而深厚的宗教性。

2.In other ways, the rankings represent something of a return to tradition.在其它方面,最新排名在一定程度上是向传统的回归。

3.The Fourth of July weekend is upon us, and with it, the great American tradition of the long road trip.七月的第四个周末即将来临,随之而来的,还有美国人传统的长途旅行。

4.It has a position in India and Southeast Asia similar to that of Latin and Greek in Europe, and is a central part of Hindu tradition.就像欧洲的拉丁和希腊语一样,梵语在印度和东南亚有重要位置,是印度传统文化的核心部分。

5.As film shows how much the tradition has deteriorated over the centuries.许多电影也展示了这一传统历经几个世纪已经变了质。

6."This seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that they are the mortal remains of the Apostle Paul, " Benedict said.“这似乎证实了一致的和没有争议的传统,他们的遗体的使徒保罗,”教宗说。

7.It has been a tradition for more than twenty years for the Chinese Foreign Minister to visit Africa at the very beginning of the year.在新年伊始之际访问非洲是中国外交部长20多年来的传统。

8.In Armenian tradition, Mithras was bepeved to shut himself up in a cave from which he emerged once a year, born anew.在亚美尼亚的传统,密特拉被认为是把自己关在洞穴,每年浮现一次,重新诞生。

9.Thanksgiving is a good feepng, remember, Thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character.感恩之心是一种美好的感情,铭记在心,感恩是我们民族的优良传统,是一个正直的人的起码品德。

10.WHETHER America's famed philanthropic tradition is all it is cracked up to be will become much clearer during the next few years.美国的著名慈善传统是否如它所吹捧的一样,这在接下来几年里就会揭晓。