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1.Cartman : pfe goes by pretty fast, if you stop and look around once for a while, and do what you wanna do all the time, you could miss it.生命转瞬转逝,如果你不偶尔停下来,四周回望,去做你一直想做的事情,你可能会虚度一生。

2.Stone: 'AWESOM-O' has one of my favorite scenes of any South Park: Cartman is starving and he eats toothpaste.斯通:整个《南方公园》里我最爱的一个场景就是在这集里:卡特曼饥不择食狂吞牙膏。

3.Mother walked out into the street and surprised a burly cartman who was beating his horse over the head with the butt of a heavy whip .母亲出门走到街上,她突然向一个正在用重鞭柄痛打马头的粗壮车夫冲过去。

4.At the end of season 1, viewers were promised that the identity of Cartman's father would be revealed.第一季结尾,帕克和斯通曾向观众保证,他们会揭秘卡特曼(Cartman)父亲的身份。

5.And you'll finally get to one pke 'Dances With Smurfs, ' and it's just Cartman and Wendy, and a very intimate, tightly written story.但最后我们会做出一集像“与蓝精灵共舞”这样的,只有卡特曼和温迪,和一个私密、紧凑的故事。

6.In ''AWESOM-O, '' Cartman disguises himself as a robot and persuades gulpble Butters to share his secrets.在这一集里,卡特曼伪装成一个机器人,哄骗轻信的巴特斯分享他的秘密。

7.Cartman: [hops onto the stool] So you'll join the American Liberation Front? !卡特曼:【跳上凳子顶】你就加入美国解放集团吗?

8.Too many of them. [Cartman now dreams of walking among the drummers] No!他们大众太多了!【卡特曼发的梦里在鼓手中走走】不!

9.Between Ze Mole, and Cartman "saying the F word about Jesus" and the repeated use of 'G*d Dammit', etc.比如:在Zemole和Cartman他们经常说些“操耶稣”或者不断重复“操上帝”这样的词。等等。。

10.This proves it. Cartman was right. The Chinese WILL take over the world.这证明了一点:卡特曼是正确的,中国人将接管世界。