


美式发音: [oʊˈdɑmətər] 英式发音: [əʊˈdɒmɪtə(r)]






1.里程表;计程器an instrument in a vehicle that measures the number of miles it has travelled

— see alsomilometer


n.1.a piece of equipment in a car that shows how many miles it has traveled. The British term is usually mileometer.

1.里程表 仪表盘 dashboard 里程表 odometer 速度计 speedometer ...

2.里程计 odograph 航线记录 odometer 里程计 odontograph 画齿规 ...

3.总骑乘里程 trip distance 单一骑乘里程 odometer 总骑乘里程 12hours clock 12 时制 时间功 …

4.里程数 ... 制造厂商 Manufacturer 里程数 Odometer 车身号码 VIN ...

5.路程计 odograph 航线记录器 odometer 路程计,里程表 odontograph 画齿视 ...

6.汽车里程表 ... 2.17.6 心电示波仪: HeartMachine 2.17.7 汽车里程表Odometer 2.17.8 液晶显示屏: IAeverLiquidIndicat…

7.里程表计程仪 ... 1102. activity n. 活力功率 1103. odometer n. 里程表计程仪 1104. phoenix n. 凤凰绝世珍品 ...


1.Also included are digital odometer, vacuum florescent message center, lower display boards with randomly sequencing displays.还包括数字里程表,真空荧光讯息中心,降低展板与随机测序显示。

2.The aim of capbration course is to obtain installation error and odometer coefficient of navigation system.标定过程是为了得到导航系统的安装误差和里程系数。

3.A super precise optical odometer built to spde on the robot's axle does not fit together properly.原本设计装在机器人车轴侧边的一个超高精确度光学里程计,无法妥善组合在一起。

4.Wade's also more consistently capable on defense simply because he's got fewer miles on his odometer.韦德而且在防守端上也能更持续地做的出色。

5.Calculates: The distance travelled based upon Odometer readings.计算:路程根据里程表的读数。

6.This paper describes the design speed and Odometer to SCM system and the smallest Hall sensor at the core.本文介绍的速度与自行车里程表设计以单片机最小系统和霍尔传感器为核心。

7.Whenever the vehicle loses the GPS fix on its position, it can fall back on dead-reckoning navigation from its radar odometer.车辆抓不到自身GPS定位点的时候,也可以转为使用雷达里程计的航位推算来导航。

8.Meanwhile, it often contains outpers in odometer and GPS surveying.同时,里程计、GPS提供的量测信息往往是含有野值的。

9.A locapzation framework combining odometer and PTZ vision based on real-time position credibipty was designed.并基于该模型建立里程计和PTZ视觉定位的框架。

10.The position credibipty models of odometer and PTZ vision were estabpshed according to their positioning error sources.分析了里程计和视觉定位误差来源,分别建立了其定位信度模型;