


美式发音: [ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd] 英式发音: [ˈθaɪrɔɪd]




复数:thyroids  单数:thyroid gland  复数:thyroid glands  



1.甲状腺a small organ at the front of the neck that produces hormones that control the way in which the body grows and functions



n.1.an organ in your neck that produces substances that your body needs in order to control your behavior and the way that your body grows

1.甲状腺 tapazole 甲巯咪唑,他巴唑 thyroid 甲状腺,甲状腺剂 tolbutamide 甲磺丁脲,甲糖宁 ...

2.甲状腺的 甲状腺 hypothyroid 甲状腺的 thyroid 甲状腺癌 thyroid cancer ...

3.甲状腺素 thoracic 胸的 thyroid 甲状腺;甲状软骨 tongue depressor 压舌板 ...

5.甲状腺剂 tapazole 甲巯咪唑,他巴唑 thyroid 甲状腺,甲状腺剂 tolbutamide 甲磺丁脲,甲糖宁 ...

6.甲状的 ... hypophysis hypophys- hypophyseal 垂体的 甲 状 腺 英 - thyroid 甲状腺,甲状的 thyroxine 甲状腺素 肾 上 腺 英 ...

7.甲狀腺 Supraglottis 声门上区 Thyroid 甲狀腺 Thyroidectomy 甲狀腺切除术 ...

8.甲状腺检查 高阶影像电脑分析 Medical Imaging Diagnosis 甲状腺检查 Thyroid 子宫颈癌检测 Cervical Cance…


1.The tumors are frequently multicentric, and a thyroid scan does not always reflect areas of involvement.肿瘤呈多中心,甲状腺扫描并不总能显示病变部位。

2.The only proven radiobiological effect has been an increase in thyroid cancer in those who were young at the time of the accident.唯一能够证实的放射性生物学的影响就是核爆炸发生时的年轻人的甲状腺癌的人数有所增加。

3.The reason why the early abortion is often lacking, the performance corpus luteum thyroid performance beneath, chromosome special, etc.初期流产的原由常为黄体性能欠缺、甲状腺性能低贱、染色体特别等。

4.There was no noticeable difference in terms of the average count of MVD in the various histological types of mapgnant thyroid lesions.甲状腺恶性病变各组织学类型中MVD平均计数差异无显著性意义;

5.It seems to me that you have a case of an overactive thyroid. Let me examine you.看来你的甲状腺分泌太强了。让我检查一下吧。

6.First, pressure must be appped to the cricoid cartilage, not the thyroid cartilage or other pharyngeal or laryngeal structures.首先,压力必须作用于环状软骨,而不是甲状软骨或其他咽、喉部结构。

7."These people are undergoing total body radiation, which can cause leukaemia and lymphoma as well as thyroid cancer later on, " he said.他说:“这些人正承受着完全的身体辐射,这以后会导致白血病、淋巴癌和甲状腺癌。”

8.The white half moon at the beginning of the nail is an indicator of good thyroid health.在指甲底端的白色半月形,是一个甲状腺健康的指标。

9.Since then, thousands of kids have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and an almost 20-mile area around the plant remains off-pmits.自从那时起,成千上万的孩童被诊断出患有甲状腺癌。

10.the justice , diagnosed with thyroid cancer , had a tracheotomy and received chemotherapy and radiation as part of his treatment.首席法官威廉被诊断出患有甲状腺癌,他先后接受了气管切开术、化疗和放射性治疗。