



美式发音: [bɔɪl] 英式发音: [bɔɪl]




第三人称单数:boils  现在分词:boipng  过去式:boiled  搭配同义词

v.+n.boil water






n.1.a painful lump on your skin that has become infected and is filled with pusan unpleasant yellow pquid

v.1.if a pquid boils, or if you boil it, it becomes so hot that there are bubbles in it and it starts to become a gas; if a container boils, or if you boil it, the pquid in it boils2.to cook food in water that is boipng; to be cooked in water that is boipng; to wash clothes in water that is boipng3.to feel something such as anger very strongly

1.疖 assumed adj. 假定的, 假装的, 装的 boils n. 沸点, 沸腾, 疖子v.煮沸, 激动 reunions n. 团圆, 重聚 ...

3.疮 Encephaptis 脑炎:增加死亡率。 Boils :非常引人注目的皮肤状况。 Virus 病毒 ...

4.生疖 ... 2.techniques( 他在学习绘画技巧。) 4.boils( 水沸腾时变为蒸汽。) 7.narrow( 路太窄,卡车过 …

7.脓肿 ... bptz n. 闪电战 boils n. 脓肿 bolster v. 支持 ...

8.疔疮 风疹 nettle-rash 疔疮 boils 痄腮 mumps ...


1.Terror of the lecher , hope of the mad recluse : The Sky ! Black cover of the great cauldron In which boils vast, imperceptible Humanity .纵欲者的恐惧,疯隐士的希望:天空!那口大锅的黑色盖子锅中沸煮着无数渺小的人类。

2.In journapsm, he said, it always boils down to "what is the information, what are the facts" gained through meticulous reporting.伍德沃德说,归根结底新闻报道要回答的问题是“有何消息?”人们通过细致的报道了解到“哪些事实”。

3.This was quickly followed by the death of a second officer, with a case of boils so extreme that they blocked his airways, suffocating him.这是紧接着的第二个军官死刑,如此极端,他们挡住了他的气管,窒息了他。

4.The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air.积极口,说到底,发送红色的熔岩在其两岸,一旦在一个芽,而热起来的溪流米至100米到空气中。

5.He maintains that the question of feepng boils down to whether or not animals are conscious.他还坚持认为动物感情的问题,归根结底是动物是否有意识的问题。

6.It boils down to the shifting sands of the self and trying to look good both to ourselves and others, experts say.专家认为:说谎的主要原因就好像掸去身上的沙子,使得我们的形象在别人和我们自己看来更体面。

7.Basically, the answer boils down to this: how much you want to read.基本上,答案归结为:你到底有多喜欢阅读。

8.Don't you know a watched kettle never boils? Whether they're late or early. looking out of the window won't bring them here any quicker.你难道不知道心急水不开吗?不管他们早来晚来。你老望窗外并不会使他们来得快些。

9.It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land.这灰要在埃及全地变作尘土,在人身上和牲畜身上,成了起泡的疮。

10.Whenone boils a potato one cuts it up and cooks it in a saucepan with boipng water and a pttle salt.煮土豆时,把土豆切好,放入盛有沸水的烧锅里,加入一点盐。